- 10 derniers résultats de AOW3 Players-

Yell0w Résultats


Partie#1 | My 1st PBEM
Joué: 2017-10-22Nombre de joueurs humains: 2
Type de report: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Valeur de la partie: 37
RésultatJoueurClassesRacesÉquipePointsPoints supplémentairesPoints non atteintsQuitteurEvaluer


Written on 2017-10-22 16:53:48

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Written on 2017-10-22 16:53:48

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Ok, then it's probably the fact that he was killed by independents and not by a player that cause the issue. Probably worth a report in the Help forum so that the devs fix it in a future patch: />A shame you couldn't see the score.

@Hiliadan no turn timer, he apparently opened his turn saw he lost and thats all I know.

@Yell0w: about the cloud screen: did you have a turn timer and did Paraquatz skip his turn? I believe if you get killed and your turn is skipped, that creates this bug.
I remember seeing messages about this on the Help forum, though a quick research did not bring them back.

I'm writing up a report on this game on the Triumph forum,

Paraquatz keep out of there! (Until our game is concluded)  Everybody else is welcome


Welcome Paraquatz!
Please note that if you input your class/race here on this game blog, everyone can see it. So you should not input it until you have met all your opponents in game, to avoid giving them strategic info. I edited what you had input to "Unknown".

@Yell0w: now you've got an opponent, it's time to host the game on the PBEM server (in AoW3) and share the game's name and password here so that Paraquatz can join! <smiletext0>

@both: welcome to use the chat to ask for help or discuss: (@Yell0w: I sent you several private chat messages but it seems you're not reading them)

Age of Wonders 3

Hello guys, I'm just starting to get active in the multiplayer aspect of AoW III. To that end I'd like to play a simple slow PBEM 1v1 with another new(ish) player. I do have experience with PBEM's in other turn based strategy games, so I'm no slouch but this would be my 1st AoW PBEM.

I don't know what the usual pace for an average PBEM here is, but I don't want to overcommit so I'd aim for 1 turn a day minimum. If you are up for it we can make a date or two where we play a couple of turns in a row.

Concerning settings I'd just leave everything to average, but I'm quite flexible on that part. I'll look up if there are some community guidelines for standard or tournament settings or some such.


So there is a PBEM ballance mod I'd use for this. Also looking at how to set up a PBEM it seems to me that you need to start together online, instead of just starting alone and sending along the save via e-mail.

Written on 2017-09-23 01:53:33

Paraquatz joined !!

Written on 2017-09-14 15:39:52

Hi Yellow,

I'd be interested to join. I played a few PBEM games here but I'm still very new to it all. But I won't be able to do a turn every day but only every 2 or 3 days. I am happy to find a time where we can shoot some turns in short order.
Anyway, in your case I believe Bishmanrock may even be a better partner to play wih than me, I believe he is more patient and more reliable when it comes to do his turns.

You can find Bishmanrocks profile here and message him: https://www.the-battlefield.c... />
Let me know if Bish can't or won't play than I will jump in.



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