Spiel #887 | phirpo for gab

gabthegab vs  phirpo


Anzahl der Spieler:2
Kind of game:   PBEM
Spiel-wert: 47
Resultat Spieler Classes Races Team Punkte Extra Punkte Nicht gewonnene Punkte Quitter Bewerte
1 gabthegabTheocratHumans2400hier
2 phirpoSorcererFrostlings1-40-20hier
Beiträge zum Spiel:
Veröffentlicht am Tue, 04 Dec 2018 14:43:43 +0100

Written by phirpo

this screenshot doesnt show all his tier1 units which were nearby

Veröffentlicht am Tue, 04 Dec 2018 14:40:33 +0100

Written by phirpo
* 40% overall success with conversions

ps: i didnt encounter any trolls if i remember correctly

Veröffentlicht am Tue, 04 Dec 2018 14:38:53 +0100

so Gab demonstrated how quick the human theocrat is on this smaller map of tournament size. somehow he managed not only to FIND but also to CONVERT 2 trolls before turn 13 with 2 theocrats and a rogue. he says he had 40% success with conversion. he was then in my base in turn 17. I saw him coming from turn 14 onwards. I myself had 2 theocrats, but I couldnt level up fast enough. I had 2 level 9 heros in turn 13 or 14. Not the quickest this time. Well, I expected him to be strong. So I aimed at getting units from a dungeon (like him) and at converting a few too. I tolerated that he would capture my cities in the meantime. Even though I converted a warbreed, and had higher hero levels when i returned, my army was no match for his trolls (one at gold medal), the frost wyverns and the other units, of which many seemed to be bought at an inn too. I was surprised to find so many units.

I could not name one lucky factor in my game. My vassal frostling town was small, offered only archers to me, and I had to raze a shitty tower far away for it. The nearby dwelling was hostile towards me, whereas Gab could not only vassal it on his way to my base, but he also got 2 frost wyverns. (couldnt be better for him). There was a lot of wetlands on arctic and little structures. But my impression is, that there is a good reason why Gab always chooses the human theocrat if he is afraid of loosing <smiletext1>  seems like he speculated that his chances of winning are the biggest if he rushes, after the game before. 

well, should i play again against him, he ll know my class and race already <smiletext1>

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 28 Nov 2018 16:00:38 +0100


Gab asked me to watch his upload of the 6th turn where he had a crash.
He had a similar crash in the tournament which was deemed "restart with proof" and from the uploaded video I can't see anything wrong.

Here is the screenshot of the crash:

Before the crash there is a pling-pling as if you remove a USB or such, don't think its relevant.

Good luck in the rest of the game <smiletext0>

Veröffentlicht am Tue, 27 Nov 2018 15:15:14 +0100
System Benachrichtung

phirpo for gab
same rules as before. but now tournament-size map

Veröffentlicht am Tue, 27 Nov 2018 15:15:14 +0100
System Benachrichtung

Information phirpo for gab
gabthegab joined !!