Umfrage - Ergebnisse
Die Umfrage wurde gestartet am: 2016-03-10 16:26:15
Die Umfrage wird enden am: 2016-03-31
How should the PBEM tournament continue for its next rounds?
Should a mod be used to fix balance issues. Please chek here the list of changes in Zaskow's balance mod:
Möglichkeit |
No mod, continue as now
42% No mod, continue as now
| 11 (42%) |
Zaskow's full balance mod
19% Zaskow's full balance mod
| 5 (19%) |
A reduced, PBEM tournament edition, balance mod fixing or reducing main issues (Necro, XP farming, ...) |
38% A reduced, PBEM tournament edition, balance mod fixing or reducing main issues (Necro, XP farming, ...)
| 10 (38%) |
Gesamtstimmen | | 26 |