Umfrage - Ergebnisse

Die Umfrage wurde gestartet am: 2017-08-15 11:08:03
Die Umfrage wird enden am: 2017-09-15

Would you be willing to donate some money to cover the cost of the purchase of 4 models for the Shadow Demon units of the Shadow Realm Community Expansion?

The models should be these: (subject to changes). About $100 are necessary.
Yes, about 5 euros/US dollar (the transaction fees make lower donations useless)
36% Yes, about 5 euros/US dollar (the transaction fees make lower donations useless)
4 (36%)
Yes, 5 to 10 euros/US dollar
36% Yes, 5 to 10 euros/US dollar
4 (36%)
Yes, more than 10 euros/US dollar
0% Yes, more than 10 euros/US dollar
0 (0%)
No, but I would donate money if it was associated to a tournament with prizes to win
0% No, but I would donate money if it was associated to a tournament with prizes to win
0 (0%)
No, I can't or don't want to donate any money
27% No, I can't or don't want to donate any money
3 (27%)