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Overview 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion Pool | PBEM | (Free slots)

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Organisator: Skuns453Lirik902 | Joined so far: 25 | unlimited

Hi to all fans of AoW3. We started this discussion to see how many players are interested in this format of tournaments. You are a veteran or a beginner on AoW3? It doesn't matter, you are welcome to join this discussion pool.  After joining this discussion pool, please define your skill level - are you a veteran or a beginner, - to simplify future unite in teams. If you are not registered yet on this site or don't want to register in the near future, you still have a chance to participate in this tourney. Please contact this players via Steam: skuns687lirik539; via GOG: Skuns249Lirik176, - to say about your interest in participating on this tournament. It will be a small tournament with only 4 teams, where each team consists of 3 players: 1 Veteran + 2 Beginners. And there will be 2 phases: group phase - 2 matches between random opponent teams, final phase - semifinal for 3-rd place and final for 1-st and 2-nd places. Full list of rules for this tournament you can find HERE. The first tournament in such setting is organized: Tournament page. Both lists composition (main & odd) and team members you can see here.

Published on Wed, 28 Jul 2021 10:44:43 +0200
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Information 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion Pool
DacrioS joined !!

Published on Tue, 18 May 2021 05:32:00 +0200
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Information 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion Pool
Jean_de_Metz quitted!

Published on Wed, 30 Dec 2020 07:54:18 +0100
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Information 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion Pool
$eeR joined !!

Published on Fri, 03 Apr 2020 15:51:07 +0200
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Information 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion Pool
Aristokrates joined !!

Published on Sun, 02 Feb 2020 08:53:00 +0100

Yes, in the rules a map re-roll is allowed. But don't forget that such reroll may be used by your opponents to know your combos. It may change their strategy, at least. But I hope it won't happen. My advice to you, Ezekiel, to be the last player who will leave the current match. 

P.S. The changing of your combos for such match re-roll is also allowed. 

Published on Sat, 01 Feb 2020 20:51:01 +0100

Hi. Is a map reroll allowed? If so we would like to do so in my game vs SeeR´s team.

Published on Sat, 18 Jan 2020 16:52:27 +0100

Also I'm not sure about supporting for PBEM++ mod from Hellbrick. It looks like this mod didn't give such teammates support as I hoped. So at the match for 3-rd place I'll take the risk to use this mod. But for final match it will be on host's discretion - Ezekiel, if you decide not to use it I'll agree with it :flushed: :see_no_evil:

Published on Sat, 18 Jan 2020 16:44:21 +0100

Hi guys.

Considering the lessons of my previous game at this tourney, I make the conclusion that 25% for water slider is too high for games with begginner players. I think we should reduce it to 15% in trying to avoid huge water massives on the surface layer :relaxed:

Published on Sat, 11 Jan 2020 20:41:17 +0100

Dia: Please report race/class choice for the next round to me. Check your PMs.

Published on Sat, 11 Jan 2020 09:10:45 +0100

Hi guys. 

Since we lost both odd lists of players I had to inform all left beginner players by PM about the replacement of Nub Nub. For 3 days I got only 1 consent for such replacement from the player Sin Arcain.

Thanks Sin for your readiness to join in our common long interesting journey :smiley: 

Well, as the main judge and the participant of the team needing with replacement, I officially announce that Sin Arcain replaces Nub Nub in my team. 

Welcome, Sin Arcain :guardsman:

Published on Thu, 09 Jan 2020 21:21:54 +0100
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Information 2018 PBEM Team Mini-Tournament Discussion Pool
Sin Arcain joined !!

Published on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 17:39:46 +0100

@Seer  About who have to host the game: I don't think that it should have the matter. So I suggest to use the roster team's choice as is. It means, for your match, that Ezekiel's team is the host. 

Published on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 12:51:51 +0100

Hi there,

got told to report that im ready for whatever is next on the schedule.



Published on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 19:16:32 +0100

Our Team has had discussions about or race & class choices and can be finalized with just a bit more discussion over the next few days easily/

will send you a message with our choices soon 

and by the way who is responsible for hosting this round in our game ?

id rather not do it myself ....somebody else can do it

Published on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 13:35:11 +0100

Al least one judge is enough to make a decision. There is no need three judges for it. So we we won't search any temporary judge for it 🤫

Published on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 13:24:25 +0100

@AlX   Finally you answered me, thanks. Yes, since we are opponents, then you can send combos to other judges: Ezekiel & marcuspers. To both of them, to be sure that one of them (who will be less busy) give us the green light to start (after comparing our chosen combos with the rules)

Published on Mon, 30 Dec 2019 13:52:03 +0100

Hi, yes, plan to take part in the tournament until the end <smiletext0> I'll send our classes/race combos as soon as we choose them. 

P.S. @Skuns, since you're taking part in this game, I assume, I only need to send the combos to the other judges? or do we have 3-rd temporary judge while you're playing with us?

Published on Mon, 30 Dec 2019 04:06:58 +0100

@Zytozid  It's good news definitely

Published on Sun, 29 Dec 2019 14:51:59 +0100

DiaEmperador is in and will play! I'm also in contact with AlX, he'll also play next round afaik.

Published on Sat, 28 Dec 2019 19:45:46 +0100

Hi, guys. Since we couldn't be in time to start the final round before holidays, I hope that you will be patient to wait at least to 4-5 of January. But, still you should think about your teams combos.

For both teams of final match - you can send your chosen combos to me since I'm not the participant of your match <smiletext0>  It looks like there won't be any changes/replacements in your teams. So when I'll get all your combos (remind: from veterans or another one teammates) by PMs only , and if all be fine then you can start the match immediatly. Do not try contact me through the chat or game blog to avoid of premature disclosure of information about your combos.

At the match for 3-rd place: I hadn't time yet to find a replacement for Nub Nub. And I still didn't get any information from AlX about that he can or cannot to continue the fight. I understand that he's busy now. But if I won't get any words from him till, let's say, 10-th of January, then I'll have to replace him on another veteran. Agree, it would be sad and bad for his team, but this is still the tourney with strong rules. And silence is unacceptable thing for it.

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