Current game PBEM Beginner and Advanced Game (Organisator El_Lobo) - PBEM Game

When everyone knows the values (classes / races, leaders) of others or at the end of the game, the values can be updated on this page, which will feed the meta statistics (please avoid revealing your or other player’s values when it may provide strategic information to your opponents).

Published on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 21:36:55 +0200

Hey guys, sorry for the delay. Was on a short trip for the last 4 days and missed my turn. I'll revert it now to get this game faster to an end.

Published on Wed, 24 Apr 2019 20:54:57 +0200

Thank you very much :-)

Published on Mon, 22 Apr 2019 14:30:41 +0200

I'll revert your turn. I considered to turn the timer off during the easter holidays but forgot about it. ;-)

Published on Sun, 21 Apr 2019 23:27:23 +0200

I had considered asking to turn the timer off during the easter holidays, but then somehow deemed it a good idea to only ask if it turned out I'd be busy.
Well, I was, and that's how I totally forgot about it again

Sorry for all the missed turns. If the holdup is getting too annoying for you, I could surrender directly in my next turn (if I get to it and am not already defeated then) to spare you some time^^

Published on Thu, 18 Apr 2019 10:35:23 +0200

Yes, I really think there is no proof necessary. Who would cheat in a training game anyway?

Published on Wed, 17 Apr 2019 20:29:03 +0200

I'll continue my turn now.

Published on Mon, 15 Apr 2019 23:01:40 +0200

Just started my turn and have had a crash. I streamed my turn so if anybody is interested I can upload it somewhere. If no one wants to check I'll continue my turn tomorrow.

Published on Mon, 15 Apr 2019 16:59:27 +0200

Hey NubNub,

havn't seen your post yesterday but I think I already got a notification that it's my turn. This means Zytozid already did his turn. It wouldn't be a problem to revert a turn if nobody did anything but I don't want to revert Zytozids turn. Sorry for that!

Edit: I have just seen that it's your turn after mine. That means all other players already did their turns. No chance to revert all these turns.

Published on Sun, 14 Apr 2019 05:15:53 +0200

Sorry, I just got the notification that I totally forgot my turn (Why are there no godd**** reminder emails? Always makes me wanna show up at Triumph HQ with pitchforks and torches for never finishing the PBEM beta ...)

Anyway, if the opportunity arises (and no subsequent turn has been made), I'd be nice if you could reset the timer, though I don't think it would make much of a difference at this point, so I'm fine if it doesn't too <smiletext0>

Published on Thu, 14 Feb 2019 01:26:08 +0100

Damn, sorry, I had a faint notion that there was something off about the turn timer, but the thought to look if maybe you missed your turn just didn't cross my head, sorry again

My only consolation is that I highly, highly doubt that this affected the possible outcome in any way as it's not exactly a close match right now^^

Published on Wed, 13 Feb 2019 17:29:09 +0100

I am back from holidays but I forgot to turn the turn timer off. Therefore I missed my turn and unfortunately the next player already did his turn. Not that nice but I can and have to deal with it. So keep on playing and proceed the game...

Published on Thu, 07 Feb 2019 23:43:42 +0100

I am on holidays until next wednesday. The internet is very unstable there so I won't be able to play my turn until I come back.

Published on Fri, 01 Feb 2019 16:30:38 +0100

Hey guys, I have had a crash. Fotunately I am making videos of all my turns since I have had several crashes in the 2vs2 tournament. If any one is interested just let me know even if it seems like some players are not very interested in that gama anymore.

Published on Sat, 05 Jan 2019 22:17:54 +0100

Yep and thanks. Turn timer is set to 5 days. I think everyone can handle this. ;-)

Published on Sat, 05 Jan 2019 16:44:17 +0100

Lets get it back on, everyone - let's continue (:
Hope you all had a nice start of 2019! (:

Published on Sun, 23 Dec 2018 18:16:13 +0100

Hey guys and girls,

I disabled the turn timer and we enable it not before the 2nd of January. Feel free to play your turns but no one should be forced to play these days. Enjoy some time with your friends and family! Merry christmas and a happy new year!

Published on Sun, 25 Nov 2018 22:43:13 +0100

Really, one year? Funny thing! :-)

Published on Sun, 25 Nov 2018 19:52:59 +0100

I'm on a business trip for a week and can't say for sure whether I can take any turns.