Partie actuelle Team 2v2 #2 (Organisé par DreadReapr) - PBEM

Quand tout le monde connaît les valeurs (classes / races, dirigeants) d'autrui ou à la fin du jeu, les valeurs peuvent être mises à jour sur cette page, de quoi nourrir les statistiques méta (s'il vous plaît éviter de révéler vos valeurs ou un autre joueur quand il peut fournir des informations stratégiques à vos adversaires).

Pos. Nom du joueur Jeu période ClassesRacesÉquipe Evaluer
1 DreadReapr0:00-0:00aqui
2 Skuns453Lirik90217:00-21:00aqui
3 orlyzzz20:00-0:00aqui
4 xlnt20:00-0:00aqui
Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

You can "Change status to 'Finished'" without reporting it too.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

how do we report this? let's close this game in a way that is fair to all - like a total draw or does someone needs to say something here? i just don't want this in my ongoing games anymore

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

i'm going on (offline) vacation for 2 weeks - will be back on 26th August.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

i dnt think so

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

To DreadReapr
Your team, you and O., is the participant of 2vs2 tourney. If you and your partner will no longer play PBEM-sessions anymore (at least with manual fightings), then it means that your team leaves the tournament?<smiletext6> 

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

me and orlyzz are not playing pbems with manual anymore, he quitted all his games but i kept some like 3v3s and 4v4s and couple of 2v2s

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

What's going on? Why Orlyzzz surrendered without excuses or explanations? It looks like that this session was the test for your opponents at 2vs2 tourney. And apparently O. had enough time during 8 turns to realize that your opponents are weak without any strategy<smiletext6>

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

We're only 10-ish turns in the game (and i'm not testing) and i haven't found other issues

I'll go to a short (30-4th) vacation, some concerts in Kavarna, BG 

i need to postpone my turns until i get back - sorry guys ): 

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

To all
Sorry for the possible delay, friends. I can only play at home. But yesterday there was power cut at my place for all night.  :'(

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

Yes, it's a known bug for the Brew Brothers, Zaskow and cbower are trying to fix it but without success so far. If it's not fixed before the tournament starts, the changes that caused the bug will be removed.
Any other issue with the mod?

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

i see some good tactics for 2vs2 and i have some un-answered questions like what will happen in various scenarious like if my army is next to my team-mate's town and the town gets attacked?

do i defend it - am i behind the town walls?

also this mod has defects, mostly the brew brother's healing ability can't be used in battle ):

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

Here we go - my 1st time installing a mod, after some cursing.. and my 1st team game (;

good luck, have fun and may the 4th lvl. summoning spell be with you!

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

Team 2v2 #2 
pass team2

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

Is there a name for this game?

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

im still waiting for you and xlnt to join the game, orlyzz can join anytime he's on my friend list

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

To all
Sorry, friends. I didn't think that the participants of this session would get together so fast <smiletext1>

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200

why no one joined in lobby yet?

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200
Système de notification

Team 2v2 #2
zaskow's pbem mod latest version
pass: team2

Medium Map with Surface and Underground on Land 
Normal Game flow speed  
Start town: Village  
Starting units: medium 
Starting distance: Far  
Roads: Few  
Roaming units: Average  
Treasures: Average  
Cities: Few  
Dwellings: Few  
Ressource structures: Average  
Visit structure: Average  
Treasure structures: Average   

Water Slider at 25%   
Undiggable walls and Diggable Wall Sliders down to 15-20 %   
All other sliders left untouched at standard 50 %  

Unifier Victory: at 2 Beacons  
Seals Victory: 60
Game speed: Normal  
Starting Resource: Standard  
Starting Skills: Normal  
All Heroes Have Resurgence: Never  
Defenders Strength: Strong   
Cosmic Events: Medium  
Maximum Number of Heroes: 3 + leader
Maximum Heroes Level: 15  

Map Exploration: On  
City Founding: On  
Random heroes match player race: on  
Empire Quests: On   

feel free to discuss game settings.

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200
Système de notification

Information Team 2v2 #2
xlnt joined !!

Publié le Thu, 01 Jan 1970 02:00:00 +0200
Système de notification

Information Team 2v2 #2
Skuns453Lirik902 joined !!
