Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
31 SanTiL7882100 %(4 | 4)WW40
32 Hannibal20008212100 %(6 | 6)WW60
75 DacrioS70020 %4L05
75 ezysquire70020 %LL04
75 Shakey70020 %LL04
75 Akinos70020 %LL06
75 embahr70020 %LL04
75 Boze70020 %LL04
39nidsfar118092100 %(4 | 4)WW40
40 Old-Germany748250 %(2 | 4)LW22
41 Ix329768242 %(3 | 7)WL34
42 Kruel8452100 %(6 | 6)WW60
43 IIaanor748328 %(2 | 7)LW425
44 Badok836360 %(6 | 10)WWL64
45 Henrysix778366 %(4 | 6)WWL42
46 keika812366 %(4 | 6)WLW42
47 DiaEmperador760333 %(3 | 9)WLL36
48 RedChameleon739450 %(7 | 14)L2WL77
75 darkapothem70040 %LLLL08
50 Nook798440 %(4 | 10)LLLW46

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