Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games Players defeated
Defeated by players
WinRatio Result Teampoints Active Best
147 WhiteKnighted
70012 / 3 40 %(2 | 5)40Freeze145
148 maci
70022 / 4 33 %(2 | 6)4L0Freeze145
149 Brutal_Felix
70011 / 2 33 %(1 | 3)30Freeze145
149 BooPoo
70011 / 2 33 %(1 | 3)30Freeze145
149 Prodigal Sun
70011 / 2 33 %(1 | 3)30Freeze145
149 King of crowns
70011 / 2 33 %(1 | 3)30Freeze145
149 Tjockisknut
70011 / 2 33 %(1 | 3)30Freeze145
154 TheLegendaryBen
70032 / 5 28 %(2 | 7)LL40Freeze145
155 BluePanther
70011 / 3 25 %(1 | 4)40Freeze145
155 frogdog13
70011 / 4 20 %(1 | 5)50Freeze145
157 Xaneorath
70021 / 6 14 %(1 | 7)5L700Freeze145
158 Drenn
70011 / 6 14 %(1 | 7)70Freeze145
159 DacrioS
70090 / 12 0 %LLLLL700Freeze145
160 Sbiht
70050 / 5 0 %LLLLL0Freeze145
160 darkapothem
70050 / 9 0 %LLLLL700Freeze145
162 Shakey
70030 / 9 0 %LLL700Freeze145
162 Bishmanrock
70030 / 4 0 %LLL700Freeze145
162 Imperium
70030 / 3 0 %LLL0Freeze145
162 JustaKing
70030 / 7 0 %3LL700Freeze145
162 Gutzzu
70030 / 3 0 %LLL0Freeze145

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NOTE:You need at least 1 Game for listing with points. Do NOT report a Win that was never achieved or do NOT report a game never played. Players who do not tolerate our rules will be banned for a long time from our Site!