Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
68 Redil725520 %(1 | 5)LLLWL14
69 leon feargus725425 %(1 | 4)LWLL13
70 chiveicrook725425 %(1 | 4)LLWL13
71 badborre725425 %(1 | 4)WLLL13
72 Evgendil7642100 %(2 | 2)WW20
73 lolek763540 %(2 | 5)LLWWL23
74 Retromancer758366 %(2 | 3)WWL21
75 Mr. Hawk758633 %(2 | 6)WLWLL24
76 Moridin758825 %(2 | 8)LLLWW26
77 orlyzzz755450 %(2 | 4)LWWL22
78 cdurgin7541020 %(2 | 10)WWLLL28
79 Kwibus753540 %(2 | 5)WLLWL23
80 Gilafron7511020 %(2 | 10)LWWLL28
81 Tasslehoff751450 %(2 | 4)LWLW22
82 Pothead Pixie7502100 %(2 | 2)WW20
83 masterboja748540 %(2 | 5)LLWWL23
84 sswdidi748450 %(2 | 4)WWLL22
85 Voltoir7482100 %(2 | 2)WW20
86 jabst7722100 %(2 | 2)WW20
87 redrum68769366 %(2 | 3)WWL21

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