Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
99 spockimpossible680333 %(4 | 12)LLW48
150 Blechhower68030 %LLL08
150 Lord Darius68030 %LLL03
72 Jolly Joker775262 %(5 | 8)2353
103 Aim732250 %(1 | 2)WL11
104 Minerva Madin727250 %(1 | 2)LW11
105 cwolfy869277 %(7 | 9)3W72
81 shoukim753237 %(3 | 8)2535
107 Kruel8432100 %(6 | 6)WW60
108 Hotpixels832262 %(5 | 8)LW53
109 Nub nub769240 %(2 | 5)WL23
110 No Life725250 %(1 | 2)WL11
109 Archer0170020 %LL02
109 ezysquire70020 %LL04
109 NobCob70020 %LL02
109 natnat70020 %LL02
109 Akinos70020 %LL06
109 Paraquatz70020 %LL02
109 Bethrezen70020 %LL02
109 Darthi70020 %LL03

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