Partie actuelle Lord of the Rings Game: Middle Earth 3 (Organisé par Zytozid) - PBEM

Quand tout le monde connaît les valeurs (classes / races, dirigeants) d'autrui ou à la fin du jeu, les valeurs peuvent être mises à jour sur cette page, de quoi nourrir les statistiques méta (s'il vous plaît éviter de révéler vos valeurs ou un autre joueur quand il peut fournir des informations stratégiques à vos adversaires).

Pos. Nom du joueur Jeu période ClassesRacesÉquipe Evaluer
1 Zytozid19:00-0:001aqui
2 Bishmanrock18:00-22:002aqui
3 AlXStormrage20:00-0:003aqui
4 sydrv20:00-0:004aqui
5 STBULLET20:00-0:005aqui
6 Albaron20:00-0:006aqui
7 Sbiht21:00-0:007aqui
8 MARKYMARK18:00-0:008aqui
Publié le Tue, 12 Mar 2019 17:31:22 +0100
Système de notification

Player jellolag has been removed.
Game is open and the slot can be used again.

Publié le Tue, 12 Mar 2019 15:00:57 +0100

i think in a Szenario shall be City founding off. Normal shall be enough cities in the map! And you can build Fortress too when someone want more income.

Publié le Tue, 12 Mar 2019 13:05:37 +0100

I'm fine with both options <smiletext0>

Publié le Mon, 11 Mar 2019 22:56:19 +0100

Why no city funding ? If the starting cities are not equivalent, it can always interesting to make new cities...
Anyone else would like to turn it on ?

Publié le Mon, 11 Mar 2019 22:21:46 +0100

The game is open, name: Speak friend and enter
passsword: mellon

Information: I set OFF: City Founding (but if you prefer I can set this ON)
All Heroes have Resurgence: NEVER (so take care of your heroes!)
Empire Quests: ON (I can also set this to OFF if liked)

Defender Strength normal, Cosmic Happenings Medium, Game speed normal, starting resources standard, defender strength normal, Maximum heroes: 2, max level: 30.(But I think it isn't possible to recruit heroes, from what I've read)

Join and pick your favourite faction. I'd like to play the Misty Mountain Chieftain but then again I don't really care, so join the game and pick what you like for now, we'll distribute factions later on.

Looking forward to play with you guys! (:

Publié le Mon, 11 Mar 2019 14:51:33 +0100

By the way: If we do not hear back from jellolag soon I'll kick him and find a replacement.

Publié le Mon, 11 Mar 2019 14:50:53 +0100

I think no one here knows which faction is strong and which isn't. I guess Mark is the second strongest player, so whatever the two of you take you shouldn't ally. And das Mordor is said to be rather strong, I'd propose you're not going with that faction. Maybe let's just have everyone else choose a faction and see what's left?

Publié le Mon, 11 Mar 2019 11:58:25 +0100

So guys, 

which faction should I take? I assume I'd need to pick weaker one, but as I'm not very knowledgeable of the events that took part prior to the trilogy books, it's hard for me to judge which one would be the best option for me?

Publié le Mon, 11 Mar 2019 11:20:59 +0100

Hi Sbhit,

this is good. I'll set up the game soon (this evening if I don't forget about it) so everone can enter. I would rather want to play this game longer, rather than shorter

Information for all:

I read that Shaithias (or Nemesis) created the map initially with very little mana on the map, it should be hard to come by. Gold also should be scarce, at least in the beginning. And, it seems you cannot recruit any new heroes, you may only have your leader as hero.

Publié le Sun, 10 Mar 2019 21:08:10 +0100

Hi all,

I have a small preference for Gundabad, the Rohan or the Gondor, but anything would be fine <smiletext0>

As for the rest of the setup, I don't really know what is already determined in the setup and what can be modified...If we wish to make the start quicker, maybe higher starting resources could do the trick ?

Then again, anything will be fine !

Publié le Sun, 10 Mar 2019 18:09:58 +0100

Hi Bishmanrock,

I can't really tell, the map description of the original first map can be found below. I think it is set in teh time of the one ring but I don't know whether the item will be in the game and plays such a significant role. The creator (Nemesis 13) of the original first  map wasn't a Tolkien expert, as he says, so I don't really know what to expect (:
In the second version, Shaithias already added amongothers a smaug spawn, rebalanced Sauron and implemented that the ringwraiths can be summoned.

Map descriptionof original first map:

"8 Playable Factions:

Gondor, Rohan, Elf, Dwarf, Mordor, Harad, Gundabad, and Misty Mountain Goblins.

Many minor factions, including: Hobiton, Bree, Mirkwood Elves, Rhun, Isengard, etc.

3 seperate underground areas inlude: Goblin Town / Dwarf ruins, tombs beneath Dul Guldur, and spider cave through Mordor's mountains (ie the path that Frodo took in the movies).

>You may get a quest offer from a town quite a ways away. You can't view the quest unless you physically make contact with the faction. Ride over to the city, double click on the capitol, and click the option about the quest. I tested it on two different factions and was able to do some quests.

>I'm aware that the rivers on the map are relatively over sized, it's due to the water mechanic in game, as they don't have any smaller stream options.

>Mana is hard to come by (for a reason), as the LoTR universe isn't big on magic. I've placed some around the map, to be a valued resource. Gold should also be tough to come by, especially at first, as factions should struggle a bit to field massive armies.

***Please Read***

First, I haven't had time to do any significant tests with the map. I plan on working on it / playing it more in the coming weeks.

Second, I'm by no means a Tolkien expert, so please forgive spelling errors, name errors, placement errors, scale errors, etc. I took what I could from maps and filled in the rest to avoid an empty landscape. I'm simply a fan of the books and movies and wanted to create a fun map that represented the universe.

Feel free to leave constructive tips or improvements, but please read the above statement when it comes to factual errors.

I used Total War Third Age Mod as inspiration, as well helping with leader names and town names. If you haven't played the Total War conversion, I suggest you do. It is incredible."

Publié le Sun, 10 Mar 2019 17:45:49 +0100

Hi all, apologies for my delay in responding, I was out of the area for a few days.

I'm happy with any race, version, etc. completely easy with whatever's decided, or to just take whatever's left once everyone else has decided

Out of interest, is the map just a general Middle Earth map, or is it specifically set against the War of the Ring?

Publié le Sun, 10 Mar 2019 16:01:06 +0100

Sound fine for me. Waiting for my race.

Publié le Sun, 10 Mar 2019 12:22:21 +0100

Forget about what I talked before, the factions in the Middle Earth 3 map are very different and in the map description nothingm entions that. Here are the factions:

Dain (Dwarf Warlord)
Steward of Gondor (Human Theo)
Rohan King (Human WL)
Galadriel (Elf Theo)
Harad (Human WL)
Witch King (Human Necro)
Gundabad (Orc WL)
Misty Mountain (Goblin Rogue)

Let me now if there are any strong preferences.

If am ajority wants that, we can also decide to play The Middle Earth 2 map with the other factions.

And another note: I plan to use the PBEM Balance mod in this game.

Publié le Sun, 10 Mar 2019 12:01:29 +0100

From what I read what Shaithias would have changed in the next version of the map and from talking to him, I think the following holds true, however, these are just guesses (!) I don't know shit, really:

Isengard is lacking Saruman as eader and might thus be a little weaker
Human Factions (Gondor/Rohan) are relatively strong (would have been nerved in nextmap)
Mordor is strong/can turtle itself (defend/isolate itself well)
Halflings are probably not op (wouldonly receive small buffs and the nazghul wouldn't reach them as fast)
I have no idea about elves, dwarves and goblins

I personally expect Rohan to be decent, because per se in AoW the human cavalry is good and the human race governance goes very well with cavalry.

So I suggest AIX goes with Halflings. And the weakest player maybe with Mordor. Then again, AIX could also go with Mordor because other races do not have many reasons to ally with Mordor.

What do you guys think? Do you have strong preferences? Exspecially the weaker players should pick but everyone feel free to let us knmow what you'd like to play, it's not all about winning anyway,ratherh aving a good game.


Publié le Sat, 09 Mar 2019 13:31:07 +0100
Système de notification

Lord of the Rings Game: Middle Earth 3
Hi all,

I'm looking for non-veterans that would like to join friends of mine and me to play the Middle Earth Map: />(requires DLC's!)

Things that are important:

1. we take this game seriously, even if we're not good at it and do not play competitively (so please only join if you are sure you will play your role until the end and not surrender or leave the game early)

2.  I hope everyone will impersonate his faction/faction leader and write interesting messages/texts fitting to the lore/background of the game. Of course that doesn't mean that you have to ally only with those who are allied in the original story

If you're looking for a game to have fun without much pressure to be a good player we're happy to welcome you!

Playable factions are to my knowledge:

Gondor, Rohan, Elf, Dwarf, Mordor, Harad, Gundabad, and Misty Mountain Goblins.
We'll discuss and distribute roles/factions together, I'll try to make everyone happy (:

p.s: I don't know how many slots we will have to fill (depends on how many friends will join), so please know that I cannot guarantee a place for everyone! The earlier you let me know you want to join, the more likely it works! (:

Looking forward to fight for the rule over middle earth with you! (:

Publié le Sat, 09 Mar 2019 13:31:07 +0100
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Information Lord of the Rings Game: Middle Earth 3
sydrv joined !!

Publié le Sat, 09 Mar 2019 13:28:08 +0100

Hi all,

we're full. The last slot is reserved for a friend who will also join, as I mentioned before (sYdRv).

I talked to Shaithias, thecreator of the map. He wanted to continue working on the map and release a new version but he got very sick a year ago an is still fighting this battle. He couldn't tell me which faction is a little weaker, but seemed to remember that Mordor might be a little stronger. Then again, Mordor probably also won't have it too easy to get allies lore-wise.

So probably the factions are rather balanced (or at least we do not know any better). And Stormrage you're in (:

More information/game setup comign soon: But before: Does anyone have certain preferences for the settings?

Publié le Sat, 09 Mar 2019 13:08:16 +0100
Système de notification

Player Old-Germany has been removed.
Game is open and the slot can be used again.

Publié le Sat, 09 Mar 2019 09:24:18 +0100

Hi guys,

so how do we proceed? am I in or not allowed? <smiletext0>
also is anyone hosting the map?

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