Game #933 Tournament game#16 | Round 2 : 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament #16
Match Details
Played: | 2019-03-31 |
Rating | 3 - Regular Game |
Amount of Humans: | 4 |
Kind of Report: | 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament |
Kind of game: | PBEM |
Game-value: | 61 |
Result | Player | Classes | Races | Team | Points | Extra Points | Missed Points | Quitter | Rate |
1 | $eeR | unknown | unknown | 2 | 11 | 0 | 0 | here | |
1 | Lck | unknown | unknown | 2 | 47 | 23 | 0 | here | |
2 | Nook | unknown | unknown | 1 | 0 | 0 | -42 | here | |
2 | Melciar | unknown | unknown | 1 | -17 | 0 | -30 | here |
Confirmed by Lck
Confirmed by $eeR
however i like bit fancier than tournament mods sets......have any you like to include ?
Written by Hiliadan
Nook & Melciar have another chance to stay in the tournament since we have two teams who are leaving the tournament. We still have to decide to which match Nook & Melciar will be affected, you should hear from that very soon.
Written by Hiliadan
@all: do you have email notifications with the time when each player received his turns over the whole duration of the match? Would be useful.
So Nook, please follow the 5 steps listed when it's time. In particular, remember to save & exit before you surrender, back up the save, then surrender, then save & exit again WITHOUT sending the turn to the next player.
Good luck, have fun, and try to end the game in time.
1/ the current strategic turn is played until the last player in the turn order
2/ that player plays his turn, saves & quits, copy the save game to a backup folder
3/ that player re-enters the game and surrenders, then takes screenshots of all the scores. He does NOT end the turn. Instead he quits the game without ending the turn.
4/ he sends the screenshots to judges (Marcus, Jonny and me)
5/ judges check the scores and take a decision
Could you please confirm who is the last player in the turn order? Can this player please confirm he read this message and understood? I'll update you soon about the deadline for your match (at the earliest in 12 days).
Good luck!
System notification
Round 2 : 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament #16
In order to avoid advantaging one team or the other, for each match, the team who will host the match was randomly selected.
The first team in the "turn order" above (who is also the team on top in the tree here must host the game).
Any of the players in the team can host.
Tournament Game #16 Round !
When players do not show up for their match, the Tournament Judges have the right to change the match!
When the game is started, please update its status to "Ongoing" here.
Good luck & have fun guys!
for the record also i really dislike this map size , i guess its to shorten games length for tournament but ack...... i just feel the RMG always doesn't be very creative with this map size.
even noticed in other 1v1 tournament. too much focus on rush strategies
this is most likely due to saving a "custom" leader when mods are enabled , Lck if you make a new leader from scratch it should work instead of just adjusting one you previously created with mods enabled perhaps.
if that does not work then you may need to wipe your custom leaders clean ( erase all of them )
then it should work.
You just need to confirm you are happy with the discrepancy from the original rules: Max level 15 (instead of 13)
You should also confirm the game is hosted with the Tournament Edition of the Balance mod.
I wrote to Jean and asked him to explain for Melciar he need to move to position 2 or 4, hopefully that will help.
According to the Google Sheet document we have regarding class/race for all players, Seer and Lck havent sent it yet.Â
Could be that Hiliadan/Jonny have forgot to update it though.
These are not fundamental for balance so if $eeR and Lck are ok, you might go with these settings to avoid a 5th re-host by Melciar....
We hope to get news from Lck soon so that you can start the match.
Thanks for hosting the game Melciar, sadly there is a few things which need to be fixed:
1) Upload screenshot of "Game Flow" - Same menu as Geography
2) Enable teams and disable seal victory (screenshot 4) + set unifier victory to 2 (currently 6)
3) Set max hero level to 13 and max amount of heroes 2
4) Set yourself to position 2 or 4 (Host should not be number 1 or 3)
5) Confirm game is hosted with PBEM Tournament Edition mod
Additionally, I've sent a PM to LCK reminding him that we need his class and race.
Thank you,
i have chosen seat #4 in the turn order for myself , please go get yourself a good beer and adjust which bar stool you have parked your soon to be extinct tootsie upon over two to the righ into SLUT #3......
hope is funny in translation
cheers happy huntingÂ