Partie #1278 | Dr Light Vs Refineus V

DrLight vs  Refineus

Détails du match

Note 2 - Bonne partie
Nombre de joueurs:2
Kind of game:   PBEM
Valeur de partie : 42
Résultat Joueur Classes Races Équipe Points Points supplémentaires Points non gagnés Quitteur Evaluer
1 DrLightWarlordTigrans11260aqui
2 RefineusNecromancerHumans200-34aqui
Les messages affichés sur le jeu:
Publié le Sat, 31 Oct 2020 09:03:46 +0100

Confirmed by Refineus

Publié le Tue, 13 Oct 2020 19:42:40 +0200

Confirmed by Refineus

Publié le Mon, 12 Oct 2020 23:09:52 +0200

Confirmed by DrLight

Thanks Refineus for this game, this was a very long game, but I guess I wanted it to be, I wanted to experience late game units, and I haven't really had the chance to do so before, games end too fast and I don't have enough time to explore late game units and spells...

We didn't face each other until turn 61, I had a really good start, was able to max out my leader around turn 25 ish, but I had a sorcerer and a necro, I didn't know how to make the necro work and It was always too weak, eventually when it was around level 7, it got killed. Around turn 30ish, I was heading towards Refineus with a decent stack on my leader and a lord of the deep, but while trying to take a lost city, my leader got eaten by a Glutton and lost strong will on all my units, then the nagas converted me a few and killed all my stack, that delayed me a lot. Meanwhile I started to focus on taking the archon dwelling in the middle as I knew it was very important for Refineus. Eventually, I took it and planned the ambush that refineus described below, I had to lose a few penguins to now his location at all times, but it was worth it haha...

While I was doing this, my sorcerer was expanding my empire in the UG, I was able to build 2 outpost, vassalize another archon dwelling and take one of refineus vassals, built some forts as I also took some good structures that were giving me good resources, and I was always heading towards refineus territory, trying to flank him.

After this fight, my leader now had some manticores and I was heading to his territory to meet with my sorc stack, but even though I had master illusionist on my sorc stack, Refineus was able to see me and ambushed my sorcerer killing all my units, but by that time my leader was nearby, so I attacked him back next turn, killed all his units, recovered some of my gear and then ran away because I didn't have any way to heal my manticores as he killed my serpents. In the meantime he started an assault, so I was mass producing manticores by this time, so I gathered them, tried to attack his boats, but I didn't count my steps correctly and ran 1 step short, to my surprise he attacked me with the embarked army and I killed all his units... Then I killed the remaining survivors next turn.

I tried to finish the game the following turn with my leader stack, by attacking his throne, but I ran a couple units short from doing this and my leader in the void... Then after this, it was only resurrecting my heroes, defending from a couple cosmic events of a dreadnought and a necromancer, and gathering my army to send the final assault that ended the game.

It was a gg, I think I got very lucky with my starting position. Thanks!!

Publié le Mon, 12 Oct 2020 20:19:06 +0200

Confirmed by Refineus

Publié le Mon, 12 Oct 2020 20:13:53 +0200

I think this game could have been won by Dr Light around turn 20. I guess he was scared or something by my undead or something. This Phylactery spell as my leader keeps returning.

I lost my leader and heroes at the beginning like turn 10 or something. I had two Light Cavalaries, 1 hero and a leader and some civic guard. It was going so well until four Halfling farmers sniped my wounded leader and hero by throwing chickens. 4 Chickens hurt like hell which I was not prepared for. So then well, I had not so much option than to run with the rest of the men.

Then I think after a while when my armies recovered there was an Archon Dwelling in the middle. I really wanted it, but sadly it was an ambush. So most armies fell, but my doom was already set before as this game was going crap anyway. Had really terrible starting position and I have a feeling there is always too much water around Humans. But anyway, it was fun to develop some experimental tactics and exploring the Necromancer class a little further. The thing that is lacking in Necromancer class is probably, just probably flying pikemen or something that can catch up with the flying manticore armies coming in by the water all the time.

In general, I believe Dr Light also explored Tigran Warlord, a little. The game dragged out quite long as turn 90 before I finally decided to throw the white flag. 

Potentially if I had Orcs or Draconian Necromancer I could be little in pair with the Manticores. On one hand, I tried the Age of Empire II glorious food strategy by pumping an endless stream of Pikemen's with Ancient Ruins and Sphinx Temple MCU too just be annoying and have a blight empire just ongoing. Sadly it takes Necromancer just takes forever to get to dread reapers and I had one in the end... Leaving a Warlord far too long alone with infinite supplies of flying is just too much to bear.


Military score around when around turn 30 when I had the chance to actually come back and Dr Light had some paranoia or something. But I decided to clear the underground with my strongest hero stack. 

Publié le Thu, 10 Sep 2020 20:39:21 +0200

I will be away over the weekend. Back on Sunday. 

Publié le Thu, 27 Aug 2020 21:08:33 +0200
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Dr Light Vs Refineus V

Servergame: Dr Light Vs Refineus V

Password: flashman

Tournament rules, strong reward setting pbem.


Publié le Thu, 27 Aug 2020 21:08:33 +0200
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Information Dr Light Vs Refineus V
DrLight joined !!