Gefunden: 103

MP Mod version 1.2 is out!

With racial governance overhaul (or something).

2017-01-06 20:03:55| Geschrieben von Griffith

Not to be confused with PBEM mod (although the version number seems oddly similar). MP Mod is mainly aimed for live MP players, in case some here didn't know. Not that it's forbidden to use in other modes too.

Latest MP Mod update is rather large, and in addition to several other balance changes, it also changes racial governance economy bonuses quite a bit:

- halfling economic RG1: store house is 50 gold cheaper (was 35)
- halfling economic RG2: gives 5 gold, and 50 population (was 75 population)
- halfling necro economic RG2: gives 50 population and 5 mana (was 50 population)
- orc economic RG2: builders (watchtower etc) constructions 40% cheaper (replaces the old bonus)
- orc economic RG4: rushing costs 40% less gold (replaces the old bonus)
- orc necro economic RG4: rushing costs 20% less gold and population (replaces the old bonus)
- human economic RG1: gives 15% settler discount (was 25%)
- human economic RG4: production buildings gain 10 extra production (was 15)
- dwarf economic RG1: gives 5 production and 50 happiness (was 75 happiness)
- dwarf economic RG3: magma forges give 10 additional production and 5 gold (replaces the old bonus)
- draconian economic RG1: mana nodes give +3 mana (replaces the old bonus)
- frostling economic RG2: heroes and leaders gain +5CP (replaces the old bonus)
- high elf economic RG1: public baths give additional +50 happiness, +25 growth (replaces old bonus)
- high elf necro economic RG1: gives 40 discount on cathedral of bones and embalmers guild (replaces old bonus)
- high elf economic RG2: forest hexes give additional +2 happiness and +1 growth (replaces old bonus)
- high elf necro economic RG2: forest hexes gives +2 dead population (replaces old bonus)
- goblin economic RG4: class buildings are 50 gold cheaper (was 20)
- tigran economic RG1: gives 15% settler discount (was 25%)

Most decent players agree that humans and tigrans own too much, and needed to be neutered a bit. Other races have many less useful governance upgrades, which were changed a bit (to hopefully something bit more useful). Full list of changes, and the mod itself can be found at:

Have fun!

PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod v1.2 about to be released

With more than 8 months of experience of use for Single Player, casual PBEM and competitive PBEM, the PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod has reached maturity. A new major step is about to be achieved with its future v1.2 and v1.21 release which will bring significant new improvements to ensure choices before the game (race, class and specialisations) provide equal chances to enjoy the game (and win!) and make choices during the game matter more, as well as to increase fun and diversity in an already very rich game! v1.2 should be released in January in the beta branch of the balance mod and will be released on the main balance mod only after several days/weeks of tests. Focuses of v1.2 are: specialisations, high-level sites, mind-control, Necromancer, healing and polishing previous balance efforts.

2016-12-24 15:00:57| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

More than three months after the previous release of the PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod, v1.18 (see article), a new step in the refinement and balancing of AoW3 is on its way: v1.2. The change of first digit (v1.1 to v1.2) indicates some significant changes which will bring more depth to strategic decisions and tactical fights and will also strengthen and make more exciting some specialisations which are currently lacklustre.

Key improvements:
- weak and unexciting specialisations (Earth, Wild Magic, Water Master, etc.) get boosted by small incremental changes (e.g. cost reduction or addition of effects such as +1 defence to units in domain for Domain of and Empire of spells) and more radical additions of penultimate spells (e.g. a "Dark Storm"-like spell for Air Master which would reduce vision range for enemy units).

Results of a poll conducted on the in May 2016 to spot weaker specialisations: What specialisations do you use most of the time? (multiple choice)

- risks and rewards are balanced for high-level sites: battle enchantments are added where they were lacking for the most difficult, i.e. Legendary and Mythical, sites so that these sites are not easier than lesser, Epic, sites such as Tombs or Lost Libraries. Rewards of Legendary and Mythical sites are re-adjusted in accordance with their high risks so that weak items are no longer proposed as rewards.

- key balance efforts from previous versions of the mod are polished based on experience gathered over several months using the mod: several loopholes linked to mind control are closed, tactical combat exploits linked to Necromancer are limited, Death March is further balanced, Halflings are boosted a little more...

- a few other highlights: Healing becomes once per battle (first for heroes in v1.2, then for all units in v1.21, though Theocrat's units are compensated), mind-controlled units cost more in upkeep to create a strategic trade-off for mind control strategies, Rogue heroes are boosted to make guerilla tactics more viable (stack concealment is cheaper and a new movement boost leadership ability is added).

Several of these changes are not present in v1.2 in its initial release, but should be released shortly after in v1.21 and following releases.

The aim is to release v1.2 on the beta branch of the mod as soon as possible so that it is then released quickly on the main branch of the mod and is available for the 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament which is planned to start on 30 January (delayed from an initial start date of 15 January).
v1.21 should be released 1-2 months after v1.2 on the beta branch.

Please note that the PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod needs help with modding! If you're a modder and you're interested to help improve AoW3, please contact Hiliadan.

What's next?
The balance mod is made by and for the community so its development team (Zaskow and Hiliadan) will be listening to the community for its evolution in the coming weeks/months. Changes proposed in the past (for instance regarding Dreadnought and Halflings) will be re-assessed and a convergence with the live multiplayer balance mod will be considered.
Authors of great graphical and "ease of play" mods will be contacted to consider merging their content into the balance mod to make life easier for users (e.g. instead of having to load the Racial Unit Reskin mod + the balance mod, the content of the former could be included in the latter, and users would have to load only one mod).
Upgrades from the Racial Governance system, Empire Quests (see discussion about Multiculture and the more general issue of the weaknesses of multi-races strategies) and strategic spells (currently too expensive to be interesting compared to summons in most cases) would be obvious candidates for rebalancing but such balancing will be conducted only if the community is interested in them.

Changelog of v1.2 (see full changelog of the balance mod)
General changes
- The Healing ability of heroes and leaders (Theocrat and Archdruid upgrade and item’s ability) can be used only Once per battle (was 2 turns cooldown)
- Converted units cost more in upkeep:+25% gold / turn
- Units acquired during a fight (mind-controlled or ghouled) start with 0 MP on the strategic map
- Skilled Adventurer’s Slingshot (Common) has Slingshot and Animal Slayer (was Slingshot and Befriend Animal)
Siren’s Musical Box is Epic-rarity and has Siren’s Vail (was Strong rarity and had Seduce)
Ashes of the Reaper (Epic) has Turn Undead, Undead Slayer and Energy Drain (was Control Undead)
Karissa’s Perfume (Legendary) has Cause Berserk (Medium Range, cast Berserk on target enemy unit) (was Seduce)
Divine Sceptre of the Theologian (Mythical) has Weaken and, once per battle, can give Instant Wrath to target touched unit (was Convert + Weaken)
Meandor’s Autobiography (Mythical) has High Elf Slayer + Human Slayer + Black Bolts + Invoke Death (was High Elf Slayer + Human Slayer + Black Bolts + Inflict Ghoul Curse)
- Items produced in the Arcane Item Forge can add the following abilities: Lesser Charm, Lesser Befriend Animal, Lesser Control Undead, Lesser Seduce (was Charm, Befriend Animal, Control Undead, Seduce)
Lesser Seduce has spirit strength 10
- Items produced in the Arcane Item Forge which gives mind-control abilities, immobilization abilities (Entangling Touch, Freezing Touch, Petrifying Touch, Stunning Touch, Webbing Touch) or Healing are associated to Weapon items (were associated to Use items)

Arch Druid
- Frostling Shaman and Draconian Shaman cost 130 gold and 30 mana (was 140 gold and 30 mana for the Frostlind and 130 gold and 40 mana for the Draconian)
- Orc Hunters get Inflict Crippling Wound on Veteran
- Goblin Hunters get Blight Concealment

- Juggernauts produced in Halfling and Elf cities do not have Tree Crusher
- Juggernauts produced in Halfling and Elf cities have Forestry

- Lesser Reanimate Undead and Greater Reanimate Undead give Undying to their target. These abilities can target only Undead and Ghoul units and cannot target corpses (was reanimate it at 50% and 75% HP respectively)
- Ghouling Strike has strength 10 (was 11)
- Raise Corpse reanimate cadavers with 75% HP (was 100%), Greater Reanimate Undead reanimate units with 50% HP (was 75%)
- Raise Corpse reanimate units without any medal
- Whispers of the Fallen cannot appear in the Research Book or be already researched at the beginning of the game
- Inflict Curse costs 5 (was 4)

- Rogue heroes and leaders can now choose Scouting: all units in the stack gets +4 MP – cost 10, available at level 13
- Assassins of King costs 5 (was 6), available at level 9 (was 11)
- Urban Stealth Commander costs 5 (was 6), available at level 7 (was 9)
- Stealth Commander costs 4 (was 5)

- Death March costs 60 CP to cast (was 40)

- Halfling T1 have Lesser Mighty Meek (+1 defense, +1 damage for each tier level difference with the defender)
- Halfling military RG2 also gives +1 ranged damage to Hunters (was only to Adventurer, Martyr, Scoundrel and Bard)

For information, please also find below the changes confirmed for v1.21 so far and keep in mind that the list is incomplete and will be edited in the coming days/weeks!

Changelog of v1.21 (to be completed)
- Transform Mana Node can target any Mana Node (was can target only basic - i.e. non elemental - Mana Node)

Partisan (specialisation)
- Guerilla Tactics apply to all units (was only Infantry and Irregular)
- War Anthem costs 20 CP to cast (was 30 CP). If it fails, the unit suffer -100 morale instead (was no effect if it failed).

Have you ever thought this spell is very very situational and cannot be used in most cases? Well, not anymore with the changes that will be brought by the balance mod (see below)

Earth (specialisation)
- Domain of Earth gives +1 defense to allied units in the enchanted city’s domain.
- Slow costs 9 CP and 300 RP (was 10 CP and 350 RP)
- City Quake costs 90 CP (was 100 CP)

Air (specialisation)
- Domain of Winter gives +1 ranged damage to allied units in the enchanted city’s domain.
- Artic Empire gives Inflict Chilling and Inflict Frostbite to units in your domain.

Fire (specialisation)
- Domain of the Sun gives +1 fire damage to allied units in the enchanted city’s domain.

Destruction (specialisation)
- Domain of Corruption gives +1 Blight damage to allied units in the enchanted city’s domain.
- Blight Empire gives Inflict Curse to allied units in your domain.

Special thanks to the core team working on balance: marcusers, Jean de Metz, Hellbrick, mauvebutterfly and to all the others: Skuns453Lirik902, xlnt, Shakey, Tussell, gladis, Eskild, rrrrookie, Dementrophobic, Jolly Joker, Lightform, Gilafron, AlXStormrage, Fistandantilus, cbower, DreadReapr, Evgendil, Starfleck, gabthegab, jabst, BBB, Jonny Thunder, Lykus, Domino25, Ifoso, The Mentat.

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A glimpse of the new race in the future Shadow Realm community-made expansion

Who are the current inhabitants of the Shadow Realm? It is time to discover the Shadow Elves and to get to know (a little) more about the structures in their mysterious and dangerous world. Their distant cousins, the Dark Elves, who stayed in Athla, also reveal themselves a bit more in this article.

2016-12-11 15:44:21| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

Almost three months have passed again since the last article regarding the Shadow Realm expansion and the team of volunteers working on the project have some nice pictures to share with you to report on the progress of the expansion!

The previous article stayed silent on the new race that would inhabit the Shadow Realm, it is time to provide a few details!
The Shadow Elves are Elves who followed Meandor in the Shadow Realm and stayed there. Through contacts with local races and acclimation, they developed their own, very distinct culture.

Shadow Elf unit by vfxrob, work in progress

Another Shadow Elf unit by vfxrob, work in progress

The Shadow Realm will host several exclusive sites to visit, and players should have the opportunity to encounter new creatures in some of them. The previous news article revealed one such structure, the Sword of the Ashen Rose. This time, we unveil the Ghrauth Flames!

Example of structures that players will encounter in the Shadow Realm, the Ghrauth Flames, by Charlatan, made as a tribute for Kranford – several of the structures that will be included in the Shadow Realm were first made in tribute to players who helped Charlatan in his work, and are now included in the Decodence mod

The Dark Elf Executionner and Sharpshooter presented in the previous two articles are part of the Dark Elf Dwelling. This Dwelling can only be found in the Underground where Dark Elves have hidden ever since they refused to attend the Mending, and isolated themselves from the rest of the world, led by Hester. Dark Elves worship the Cult of Storms and compensate their low numbers by very powerful combat skills. They live in Dwellings far in the depth of Athla.

The Dark Elf Dwelling, by Charlatan

Reminder: the team working on the expansion is looking for someone with skills in using the software Maya to weight paint the 3D models. The project would also welcome very warmly any person with other graphical skills (icons, 3D models).

Future news may provide more information on the gameplay aspects of the new Dwelling, Race and layer.

Interview of Sjow - final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament

Interested in getting some insights into the strategies of some of the best players of AoW3? Want to know what they think are the best combos and units? This is the first of a serie of 4 interviews with the players who qualified for the final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament.

2016-11-27 09:38:22| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

Sjow is currently ranked #24 with 998 points on the Battlefield. He has not played a match for a long time and due to real life constraints, he dropped from the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament after having earned his participation to the final phase of the tournament after beating Skuns453Lirik902 and winning one of the 8-players sub-tournaments. He is however clearly a very talented player who gained all his matches in the tournament by big margins, except his first one where he had an early loss against independents.
The three other players qualified for the final phase all answered (or are about to answer) the same questions which the Battlefield team asked them and their answers will be released as soon as they are defeated in the tournament. After this interview of Sjow, you will thus be able to read the answers of Fistandantilus, gabthegab and Skuns453Lirik902 (who replaced Sjow after its exit from the tournament).

Sjow's latest results (victories in PBEM, except against gabthegab, and several defeats in live MP)

Before reading Sjow's answers, please note that a new PBEM Duel Tournament is currently open for registrations and should start around 15 January. Several new and relatively inexperienced already joined it so everyone is welcome to join it, and non-veteran players have a chance to go through several rounds and have fun: register here.

1/ First a little background on your IRL (if it’s not secret!): where are you from and how old are you?
Sjow: I'm 26 years old, from the Netherlands.

2/ When did you start playing AoW and AoW3?
Sjow: Started playing AoW online around 2 years ago.

3/ Do you usually play AoW3 in single player, PBEM or multiplayer?
Sjow: I played live MP mostly, at the start of the PBEM tourney I started playing PBEM. I played just one game outside of the tourney (interesting loss against gab). Right now [in October 2016] I'm playing AoW every now and then, great game but it can be a little time consuming.

4/ How did you choose your combos during the tournament?
Sjow: I played what I thought was strong in PBEM, in my opinion PBEM is a completely different game compared to live, classes without convert options are no option. I picked Arch Druid (AD) and Theocrat because they convert/heal well. Necro is probably best but at the time of the tourney I felt like it's too much of a drain on your economy (probably wrong though).
[see more stats on the top combos in the meta statistics of the Battlefield]

5/ What is your favourite class/race and why? With what specialisations?
Sjow: Favourite class/race in LMP is human warlord with Expander + Grey Guard master, I like their irregular and the production bonus. In PBEM it's Dwarf AD, I like leveling tier 4 serpents and the quality dwarf starting units/heroes. In my experience specializations are negligible in PBEM, I only ever cared about rolling skin of oil and Beast mastery as AD.

6/ In your opinion, what are some of the best units by tier?
Sjow: For LMP:
- T1: Civic guard/Dwarf axeman
- T2: Tigran berserker/Draconian apprentice
- T3: Human Knight/Halfling Eagle riders
- T4: (Tigran) Manticore/Horned god

- Units with regrowth, fast units, units with convert options

7/ What was the hardest match you played in this tournament?
Sjow: The hardest game was against Skuns453Lirik902 [Dwarf AD vs Tigran AD, reported here]

8/ What results do you expect for the 3 players in the final phase?
Sjow: I expect gabthegab to win. He is undefeated I believe and has a lot of experience

Roster of the final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament

9/ Any advice for players who would like to improve?
Sjow: in PBEM:
- Take your time on your turns and in battle, there is no turn timer so there's no excuse for hasty mistakes
- Maximize your creeping efficiency, this means utilizing all the movement on your creeping stacks and avoiding corners of the map
- Priortize conversion heroes, both in buying heroes and leveling them

- Enter the game with a clear strategy
- Scout well and adjust based on the information you get
- Don't be overly concerned with upkeep. usually you can find a use for any unit, be it scouting or helping out your creeping stacks (as sacrificial fodder from the side). 

If you're interested by more information about competitive plays, please check this piece of news: videos of competitive games

LAN 2016

An experience report

2016-11-21 12:01:53| Geschrieben von myl_supporter

As every year we met us in the LAN, this time (again) in Homburg / Efze, Germany.
Altogether we were 12 players, 8 in CIV and 4 in AOW, unfortunately we got some cancellations.

In AOW3 we played a total of 5 games, with 2 team games and a FFA game.
The other two games was a great game against 4 AI and a very fast game with three players.

Unfortunately, there were permanent problems with the Internet connection in AOW,
we hope for the next succession.
With next games from truimph is better solved (hopefully),
so that no internet access for LAN games is needed.

The next LAN will take place in 2017 on September 30th and continues until Tuesday to the day of German Unity. The places are limited to 15 and everyone is allowed to join, the place is confirmed only if a deposit Of 25 euros has been paid.

Interest - Then carry on -> here

Our LAN Winner is EARL1893

Thank to all aow players : blackcat, gladis, earl and mark
With lan income, the payment for the server is save 2017!

Match overview

Your BF Organisations Team

Update of the ranking system of the AoW3 league of the Battlefield

The way ranking points are gained and lost as well as the page explaining the ranking have been updated. The changes make the ranking easier to understand, reward players more for winning games involving many participants and should remove the clutter of players around 1000 points.

2016-11-09 18:07:51| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

The Battlefield is a community website for AoW3 and other games such as Civilization 5 and 6. It provides many services for the AoW3 online community such as:

Since the 1st November 2016, the ranking system is being updated together with its explanations, in order to make the system more transparent, simple and fair. Two basic ideas lead the ranking system, which is based on the Elo ranking system (used in Chess for instance): better players should have a higher ranking (which is quite obvious!) and new players should be able to climb the ranking fast if they are good, so that the ranking is quite dynamic and players are motivated to report their games.

The general ranking as of November 10th

The new system works as follow [please note that it is not yet fully effective and that points for game since 1st November will probably change in the future until the system is fully stabilized, sorry for the inconvenience]:

The system used for the AoW3 league is the "Elo Point System for FFA Leagues (with start bonus)"

About the Point System
A good ranking needs a good and fair Point System to rank and classify players. The ranking system on the Battlefield is based on the Elo system (see below).
Players are sorted in descending Points order.

Which ranks can be achieved?
Beginner: 700-1000 points
Veteran: reached more than 1000 at least once (but may have gone back below 1000)
Elite: the top 30% of Veteran players
Master: the top 10% of Veteran players

Starting conditions
Players start with 700 points and are listed in the ranking.

Start Bonus
Beginners (under 1000 points) get a bonus: their point gains are doubled and they do not lose points. New players can thus climb the ranking faster.

The ranking points are based on the Elo system
Each player get a number of points based on the Elo system (see Wikipedia for more information on the Elo system). When players start, they get 700 points (see "Starting conditions" above).
The Elo system is based on the K-Number, the Difference number and the Result number, detailed below, for people wanting more details.
After each match, the change in ranking for each player is calculated by a formula (see details below): Change = (Result - Difference) x K

This number is the multiplier applied to the points gained or lost: a higher K-Number means more points won or lost. The K number varies according to the number of games played or current points. Its values are:

  • Less than 10 games played: 25

  • More than 10 games and less than 1400 points: 20

  • More than 10 games or 1400 points: 15

Difference number
A Difference number is calculated for each player involved in a match. For each player, its Difference is the subtraction of his ranking points with the ranking points of others.
If Player 1 has 1000 ranking points and Player 2 has 1600 ranking points.
The Difference number for Player 1 is 1000 - 1600 = -600
The Difference number for Player 2 is 1600 - 1000 = 600

Result number
This number represents the result in the game assessed: 1 stands for victory, 0 for defeat and a formula is used to calculate the result number in case of a game with more than 2 players: Result number = 1 * (total number of players in the game - position achieved by the player assessed) / (total number of players in the game - 1)

Player 1 is #1, Player 2 is #2 and Player 3 is #3. Their respective Result numbers are:
Player 1 = 1 (win)
Player 2 = 1 * (3 - 2) / (3 - 1)= 0,5
Player 3 = 0 (lost)

Expectation number
The Expectation number represents the probability for a player to win the game: better players have a greater Expectation to win. The Expectation number is computed using the formula designed by Professor Arpard Elo (who gave his name to the Elo system).

Formula: Expectation number = 1 / (1 + 10^(- Difference number / 400))

If Player 1 has 1800 ranking points and Player 2 has 2400 ranking points.
Then the Expectation number for Player 1 is:
1 / (1 + 10^(- (-600) / 400))
That is to say, it is equal to 0,01958: Player 1 has a probability of winning of 1.958%.

Player 2 = 1 / (1 + 10^(- 600 / 400))
That is to say, it is equal to 0,98042: Player 2 has a probability of winning of 98.042%.

The Change is the number of points the player will gain or lose. It depends on the Expectation number, the Result number and the K-Number, following this formula:
Change = (Result - Expectation) x K

If we keep the same figures as in the example in the previous section:
Change for Player 1 = (1 - 0,01958) x 25 = 24.511
Change for Player 2 = (0 - 0,98042) x 15 = -14 ,706

Addition / subtraction
In games with more than 2 players, the higher the position of a player at the end of the game (being 1st is the highest position achievable obviously), the more points he will add to his ranking points.
Conversely, when a player finishes at the bottom of a game with many players, many points will be substracted from his ranking points.

If we have the following positions at the end of a game: #1 - Player A; #2 - Player B; #3 - Player C and the change calculated between each players is as follow:
A vs B = 30 points
A vs C = 20 points
B vs C = 15 points
Then the changes will be:
Player A: 30 + 20 = 50
Player B: -30 + 15 = -15
Player C: -15 + -20 = -35

Team relationships:
When several players are in the same team, the points they gain will be reduced by applying the following formula:
Points * ((Total number of players – Number of team mates, excluding oneself) / Total number of players)

Two teams of two with Player A & Player B (Team 1) vs Player C & Player D (Team 2)
Team 1 = 50 points for Player A ==> 50 * ((4-1)/4) ==> 50 * 3 / 4 = 37,5
Team 1 = 40 points for Player B ==> 40 * ((4-1)/4) ==> 40 * 3 /4 = 30
Team 2 = -50 points for Player C ==> -50 * ((4-1)/4) ==> -50 * 3 / 4 = -37,5
Team 2 = -40 points for Player D ==> -40 * ((4-1)/4) ==> -40 * 3 /4 = -30

What to do after the end of a game
The winner or one of the player in the game will report the game at the related Battlefield page!
All players (and the Admin) will then get an email Report about the game. Everyone can contest and delete the report if it is not correct or contact the Admin, who will then investigate it and maybe change the report and solve the issue. Players can also rate their opponents and the game from the report page.

Computing of Ranking Points
Every game reported in the FFA league will influence the ranking. All the players who played a game will get point changes!

If we go back to our example:
Player 1 won 25 points which means his updated ranking points will be 1000 (previous ranking points) + 25 (earned during the match) = 1025 points.
Player 2 lost 15 points, and his updated ranking points will be: 1600 (previous ranking points) - 15 (earned during the match) =1585 points.

In a report, the following values are displayed:
- Points: the points gained or lost
- Extra Points: the bonus points (generally due to the x2 bonus for Beginners)
- Missed Points: the difference between the points a player could have gained if he (or his team) had won the match and what he actually gained (or lost). The Missed Points can be significant if a player loses the match and loses points (e.g. if winning would have brought him 20 points and he lost and his points decreased by 15, his Missed Points value is 20 - ( -15) = 35
- Game Value: it indicates the value of the players involved, the interest of the game. It is calculated by taking the square root of the sum of the ranking points of all the players. Typically, a Game Value of 20 is relatively low and is generally a duel, whereas a Game Value of 90 or more indicates a very big game with 8 Veteran players.

Further Rules / Exceptions

Quitter Penaly -20 points

The main changes compared to the old system (pre-1st November) are:

  • Veterans can now fall below 1000 points (in the past there was a floor of 1000 points and Veterans could not go below it)

  • The K-value does not vary according to the number of players involved (before K was equal to 25*6/[number of players involved] so duels had a K of 75 and 8 players game a K lower than 25).

The ranking points gained or lost with matches which occurred before 1st November should remain unchanged.

The ranking page will be updated with new icons and information about the status (Beginner, Veteran, Elite, Master) of each player.

Registration for a PBEM Duel Tournament will open on 15 October

Following two successful PBEM tournaments, the first one a Duel Tournament which reached its final phase and the second one a 2 vs 2 Team Tournament about to start its second round, a new PBEM Duel Tournament will open registration at the end of the week. The tournament is expected to start in 2 to 3 months.

2016-10-11 19:16:09| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

Following a poll conducted in May and June, asking the type of tournament people would like to participate in, a 2 vs 2 Team Tournament was first organised (see news Registration for a PBEM 2 vs 2 team tournament will open next week and Round 1 of the PBEM 2 vs 2 team tournament has started!). The second choice, favoured by 63% of voters was a new PBEM Duel Tournament.

The new tournament will thus be double-elimination, 1 vs 1 and PBEM. It will be hosted on the Battlefield website and will thus benefit from its existing functions, such as roster visualization, meta-statistics, ranking, match reports, etc. A dedicated page will be opened on 15 October for players to register.

Roster visualization: Example of the latest 16 players Duel PBEM tournament

Registrations will stay open for quite a long time for three reasons:

  1. Give time for gabthegab, Fistandantilus and Skuns453Lirik902, the players involved in the final phase of the previous 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament, to (hopefully) play all their matches and thus more easily participate to this new tournament;

  2. Finalize v1.2 of the PBEM & Single Player Balance Mod which will be used during the tournament in order to provide a level-playing field for all players, classes, races and specialisations and create favourable conditions for fun and intense games (see the latest article about the balance mod and the full changelog of v1.18, the latest release of the balance mod);

  3. Provide sufficient time to discuss the rules and settings for the tournament, currently debated on the official Triumph forum.

The PBEM & Single Player Balance Mod will be used in the tournament

The tournament is expected to start around December or, more likely, January 2017.
32 players are expected for this tournament.

One big change compared to previous tournaments is that prices will be available for the winners! Following a poll conducted in August (Would you be ready to give some money for a tournament in order to get a (small) prize for the winners?), the suggested financial participations from players will be 3€. Players will be free to contribute more.
Players will be free not to pay anything and still participate to the tournament but they will then not receive any prize even if they win.
Players who contribute financially will have a chance to win the "lucky prize", even if they do not win the tournament. And the more they contribute financially, the bigger their chance to win. For instance, if 100€ are collected and a player contributed 10€, he will have a 10% chance of winning the lucky prize.
There will be 4 prizes, whose value will depend how much money is collected (please note that some money will be used to pay for the transaction fees from Paypal and some to pay for the server of the website):
- winner of the tournament: about 10-20€ gift card on Steam or GoG + AoW3 item (t-shirt or similar, based on the budget)
- finalist: about 10-20€ gift card
- 3rd place: about 5-10€ gift card
- lucky prize: about 5-10€ gift card

New in this tournament: prizes - A very small financial contribution is suggested so that winners and a lucky player (who did not win) can get nice prizes

If you want to participate to this tournament, please join the 2016 PBEM tournament player pool to get the latest news regarding the tournament!


Balance mod:

Turn timer = 1 day
Medium Map with Surface and Underground on Continents
Normal Game flow speed

Start town: Village
Starting units: Weak
Starting distance: Far
Roads: Few
Roaming units: Average
Treasures: Average
Cities: Few
Dwellings: Few
Ressource structures: Average
Visit structure: Average
Treasure structures: Average

Water Slider at 25%
Undiggable walls and Diggable Wall Sliders down to 15%
All other sliders left untouched at standard 50 %

Ironman Mode: on
Seal Victory: off
Unifier Victory: at 2 Beacons
Tactical Combat Mode - Against AI: Always Ask

Game speed: Normal
Starting Resource: Standard
Starting Skills: Normal
All Heroes Have Resurgence: Never
Defenders Strength: Strong
Cosmic Events: Medium
Maximum Number of Heroes: 2 (1 Leader + 2 heroes)
Maximum Heroes Level: 13

Map Exploration: On
City Founding: On
Random heroes match player race: Off
Empire Quests: On

1. One round cannot exceed 2 months. If neither of the players won 2 months after the start of the round, then one should surrender and take a screenshot of the score and provide it to the judges. The team with the highest (combined) score then wins the match. If scores are very close, the judges can decide that it is a draw and ask the players to replay the game with a shorter (for instance 1 month) deadline.
2. Players can arrange whatever settings (e.g. no dwellings) they choose, but in the absence of consensus, the settings described in the “In-Game settings” above are to be considered the default. The team hosting the game is automatically and randomly chosen by the Battlefield website. If for any reason (e.g. no DLC), the designated host team cannot host the game, then the other team does. The host must take screenshots, preferably in windowed mode (showing the date and hour when the screenshots were taken), of the settings and post them publicly (so that his opponent and the judges can access them) before the match starts.

3. If one player temporarily cannot play his turns in 24 hours (e.g. because of holidays, or personal issues), and warn the host reasonably in advance, then the host should temporarily change the turn timer to accommodate him.
4. In the event of a crash (from your PC or from AoW), reloads are allowed BUT the player who crashed needs to take appropriate screenshots, pictures or videos (with a mobile phone for instance) and sends them to the judges. Reloads should be counted by all players and reported to the judges. If no proof of a justified crash or in case of repeated reloading (during one match or during the tournament as a whole), the judges have full power to disqualify the player.
5. A team can never play a class or race that it played in all its previous matches (so you can play Goblin only once in the whole tournament, you can play Sorcerer only once, etc.). BEFORE the match, you must let the Judges (but not your opponents) know what class and race you will play for your upcoming match by private message in the Battlefield website.
6. Banter and taunting is allowed, rudeness, swearing and racial (or other prejudicial) language is not. Repeatedly trolling will lead to forfeiting the match.
7. The decision of the Judges is to be respected. Players breaking the rules get a total of 3 warnings before being disqualified from the tournament entirely. Judges may disqualify a player without warnings if their behaviour is deemed to be completely out of order (e.g. racism).
8. When awaiting judges’ decision (as soon as his opponent requests arbitration), the host must remove the turn timer and may need to revert turns to come back to the situation existing prior to the issue being judged.
9. Players must play with the latest official version of the game (no beta). If the official version is updated during the tournament, players must update to it as soon as it is released both on GoG and Steam (and turn timer must be removed while waiting for the GoG release). Players must also play with the PBEM balance mod At the beginning of the tournament, v1.2 of the mod will be used. All the games may be updated to a newer version if all the judges deem it to be stable and necessary for game balance (they may require the non-binding opinion of the players through a poll).
10. If you feel one of the rules had been broken, but you carry on playing without reporting to the judges, then you have no recourse.

11. Players should not voluntarily exploits bug or weaknesses in the game. Players should report any bug or exploit to judges or on the official forum when they discover them. Judges can decide to ban players using exploits from the tournament.

Arbitration process
The main judge is Hiliadan.
Assistant judges are: XX and YY.
When arbitration is necessary:
1. If 1 or 2 of the judges are involved in the game which needs arbitration, the 3rd judge should name two temporary judges to replace them for this arbitration.
2. The players should both send necessary files to the judges (screenshots, videos, their latest saved game which can be found here in Windows: C:\Users\[user name]\Documents\My Games\AoW3\Profiles\[profile name]\PBEM) by email or any other means
3. The arbitration will be taken at the majority of the 3 judges and the decision taken is definitive. If one player refuses it, he is disqualified.

Links zum Thema

Forum | Turney

Tourney 3. PBEM Duel Tournament 2015 won by Fistandantilus !!

A great tourney eventually found his earned end!!!

2016-10-06 12:07:34| Geschrieben von myl_supporter

A tourney ended successfully:

Thanks to all those who participated in this tourney !! Congrats to the winner(s)! And a big thanks to the organizer Markymark!
The following matches were played:

Round 1: Game #1 Fistandantilus beat ehall20
Round 1: Game #2 rrrrookie beat mauvebutterfly
Round 1: Game #3 gladis beat Tussell
Round 1: Game #4 EarL1893 beat hatifnat

Round 2: Game #5  Fistandantilus beat rrrrookie
Round 2: Game #6  gladis beat EarL1893
Round 2: Game #7   ehall20 beat mauvebutterfly
Round 2: Game #8   Tussell beat hatifnat

Round 3: Game #9  Fistandantilus beat gladis
Round 3: Game #10   ehall20 beat EarL1893
Round 3: Game #11  rrrrookie  beat  Tussell

Round 4: Game #12  Warlord Keldon beat rrrrookie

Round 5: Game #13  gladis beat Warlord Keldon

Round 6: Game #14  Fistandantilus beat gladis

And the winner was Fistandantilus. He will get an extra place in our Hall of Fame!

Good luck and have fun in the next tourneys!

Links zum Thema

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LMP Tournament Video

Video from Final Game Dreadreapr vs Azazzir

2016-09-23 09:14:28| Geschrieben von myl_supporter

Here you find the video for the final game (39 parts uploaded)