Gefunden: 103

Tourney won by Player DarkRider !!

A great tourney eventually found his earned end!

2017-06-30 19:43:28| Geschrieben von myl_supporter

A tourney ended successfully:

Thanks to all those who participated in this tourney !!
Congrats to the winner(s)! And a big thanks to the organizer myl_supporter!
The following matches were played:

Round1: Game#1 AbedNego beat Lck
Round1: Game#2 DreadReapr beat $eeR
Round1: Game#3 Fluksen beat BluePanther
Round1: Game#4 DarkRider beat Techno
Round1: Game#5 Lutek4671 beat Castaneda
Round1: Game#6 Nemesis_Zero beat spockimpossible
Round1: Game#7 orlyzzz beat Melciar
Round1: Game#8 Wintermute beat rickyroo222
Round2: Game#9 DreadReapr beat AbedNego
Round2: Game#10 DarkRider beat Fluksen
Round2: Game#11 Nemesis_Zero beat Lutek4671
Round2: Game#12 orlyzzz beat Wintermute
Round3: Game#13 DarkRider beat DreadReapr
Round3: Game#14 Nemesis_Zero beat orlyzzz
Round4: Game#15 DarkRider beat Nemesis_Zero

And the winner was DarkRider.
He will get an extra place in our Hall of Fame!

Good luck and have fun in the next tourneys!

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Live Multiplayer Duel Tournament started

First game played. Round will go two rounds

2017-05-17 10:46:31| Geschrieben von myl_supporter

Now it is started: Our Live Duel Tournament 2017:-)
You can find all infos about in our Tournament page -> https://www.the-battlefield.c...

First Match was played and won from Dark Rider, when we get infos about streamings, we will share it here.
My info is some players will stream their game like Dreadreapr. Thank you too all.

And when you have Interest in this tournament, maybe we need a replacement, contact me or griffith.

Thank you:-)

Links zum Thema

Forum | Download

First video of the community-made Shadow Realm expansion

The hard work of the team creating the Shadow Realm expansion for AoW3 is starting to pay off and a first teaser of the expansion, showing the Shadow Elves in battle is now available! This article presents their Cavalry and Support units, the Exterminator and the Storm Priest and provide some updates on the progress on the design of the expansion.

2017-05-06 15:15:12| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

Current version of the Shadow Elf Race icon, by Bagas

The gameplay of the Shadow Elves and their differences with the current High Elves and the Dark Elves, the new minor-race introduced as a Dwelling in the Shadow Realm expansion,  have been explained in a previous article. Thanks to the huge modding work of Dr_K, the Shadow Elves reached a pre-alpha status and are close to being ready for tests by the design team.

First teaser of the Shadow Realm community expansion showing the Shadow Elves in tactical fight (pre-alpha) (for this first pre-alpha video, the graphics were set on low)

The race has been almost fully designed (Racial Governance, class units, racial units, buildings) and future articles will present their entire line-up. Today, we present two of the units that can be seen in the video, the Storm Priest and Exterminator.

Shadow Elf Storm Priest, by vfxrob

Meandor’s name be praised! May the power of the storms batter down those who stand against Him! Let his lightning strike down all who dare to raise arms against His servants! The time of reckoning is nigh!
Litany of the Cult of Storms

Shadow Elf Exterminator, by vfxrob

When we saw blood-red blades glowing in the darkness, we knew our time had come. The dark knights of the Elves had always been the scourge of humankind wherever they struck. But this time, their blades reaped the lives from the scuttling horde that surrounded us instead. Those who had once been our executioners were now our saviours.
Reports from the Land of Shadow

Both units highlight the heritage of Shadow Elves, who were in majority Dark Elves, and who were led by Meandor, a leader strongly linked to the cult of Storms (see the presentation of the lore of the Shadow Elves in a previous article).
The Life Steal of the Shadow Elf Cavalry unit is its main distinctive feature, while its capacity to Mark its enemies by Shadows will create synergies with the shock-oriented, less shadowy, units of its race, who can Exploit Shadows. At Elite, the Exterminator will also be able to wrap friendly adjacent units in Shadows, giving them Projectile Resistance, again providing interesting interactions with its fellow fighters.
The Storm Priest by contrast is quite different from other racial Support units: its ranged attack uses the unusual Frost and Shock channels and it can summon a ephemeral Lightning Sprite for three turns to fight along its side, launching attacks on his enemies without putting himself in danger.

Currently in a "pre-alpha" stage, the Shadow Realm expansion still require a lot of work, especially on the Shadow Realm layer RMG integration, the icon design and the design of several 3D models, especially for structures on the Shadow Realm. 3D modellers are highly wanted to support the current team! If you have skills with Blender, Maya or equivalent softwares, please contact us!

Beacon of Light, work in progress, by lordoflinks - one of the new Shadow Realm structure, that will be defended by remnant of Athlan's armies and unlock the Celestial Tower (+1 city radius, city gets extra Spirit Blast attack during siege) (to be confirmed)

The next article will present other units from either the Shadow Elves or one of the two Dwellings introduced by the expansion, and hopefully will show more of the Shadow Realm!

Interview of gabthegab - winner of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament

Interested in getting some insights into the strategies of some of the best players of AoW3? Want to know what they think are the best combos and units? This is the last of a series of 4 interviews with the players who qualified for the final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament. This article present the winner of this 32 players tournament.

2017-04-25 17:29:10| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

gabthegab is currently ranked #1 with 1351 points on the Battlefield. He has been at the top of the ranking for a very long time and has a lead of more than 170 points on his closest rival, Jean_de_Metz, which basically means that Jean has 27% chance of winning against gab if they do a duel (based on the Elo formula used in the ranking system). gabthegab is undefeated to this day, which is very impressive, though some may say he did not play all the top players, he did face several very strong players like cbower and DarkRider and beat them. Most of the players who rated his skills agreed that he is an Excellent player, though they were less enthusiastic about his fairness, which may be partly explained by his very high self-confidence (illustrated in this article). gabthegab is one of the only two "Masters" of AoW3, the top 10% of Veteran players, and those who have played against him understand why as he masters both the tactical fights and the big strategic decisions.
He is currently participating in the two ongoing PBEM tournaments: in the 2vs2 Team Tournament, he is playing in team Coup de Grace with Tussel, and he may suffer his first defeat on round 5 of that tournament, when he will be facing SeeR and DarkRider, who have demonstrated very strong team work and well-executed strategies (e.g. of Theocrat Exalted Martyrs rush). In the 2017 Duel Tournament, he won his first two matches easily and may not be worried before the final rounds.
gabthegab likes to play Arch Druid and Theocrat, and appreciate the strongest races like Tigrans and Dwarves (and Human as a Theocrat). He was not used to Necromancer but had to learn the ropes of the class during the 2015 Duel Tournament as it emerged as the strongest class by far. He considers Dreadnought and Warlord as weaker as they do not have access to mind control or class units with Evolve, and he thus rarely plays them (except when has to, like in the 2017 Duel Tournament).

The three other players qualified for the final phase all answered the same questions which the Battlefield team asked them and their answers have been already released. You can find the interview of Sjow, Fistandantilus and Skuns453Lirik902 in past articles.

gabthegab's latest results, a string of uninterrupted victories

1/ First a little background on your IRL (if it’s not secret!): where are you from and how old are you?
gabthegab: I'm from Montpellier, France, and I’m 45 years old.

2/ When did you start playing AoW and AoW3?
gabthegab: I don’t remember exactly, I really liked AoW2, I’m a strategy game lover. 

3/ Do you usually play AoW3 in single player, PBEM or multiplayer?
gabthegab: I played this game with all possible configurations.

4/ How did you choose your combos during the tournament?

gabthegab: It depends on many things: my strengths, who is my opponent, what is he going to play, what is the best combo against him, the map size and the settings of the game…
[Editor's note: see more stats on the top combos in the meta statistics of the Battlefield]

5/ What is your favourite class/race and why? With what specialisations?
gabthegab: Dwarf or Tigran Arch Druid, I love animals and this combo allows a fast development, which is very good to rush and has a very good movement potential. The specialisations depend on the match…

6/ In your opinion, what are some of the best units by tier?

gabthegab: T1: it depends on many things (long term potential…): though to cite but one, the Halfling Farmer who throws chicken <smiletext1>
T2: the Wraith or Naga Guardian
T3: Troll or Bone Collector
T4: Eldritch Horror

7/ What was the hardest match you played in this tournament?
gabthegab: All easy, sorry.

8/ What results do you expect for the 3 players in the final phase?
gabthegab: I win, the other lose. <smiletext0>
[Editor's note: in the end, this simple prevision proved right!]

Roster of the final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament

9/ Any advice for players who would like to improve?
gabthegab: Only one: to improve in PBEM, it is necessary to play a lot of fights alone vs the AI to know exactly how it plays tactical battle.

If you're interested by more information about competitive plays, please check this piece of news: videos of competitive games

Live MP Tournament planned

join to get fast 8 players.

2017-04-13 17:20:46| Geschrieben von myl_supporter

A Small Tournament is planned ->
When the interest is good, we will increase to 16 and we will plan an 2on2 tournament too.

Rule Discussions

Live MP Tournament 2017

We will collect Live MP players in a nice live multiplayer random tournament.
The Tournament is limited to 8, when the interest is great, will be increased to 16 players.
We plan to play this tournament on MP Mod from griffith.

The map is random selected on medium size with ug.
Why random? Because players have to improve their situation on map and opponent and not after
a fix line of settings and not using advantages with own-defined Leaders on this fixed settings.
With this rule the standard rule, use another class/race on next game will not more obsolente.
It is a small tournament, just accept or not play!
When the interest is great an 2on2 tournament is planned too.
We will play classic turns!

Further settings are:
- Start town: Village
- Starting units: Weak
- Starting distance: Far
- Roads: Few
- Roaming units: Average
- Treasures: Average
- Cities: Few
- Dwellings: Few
- Ressource structures: Average
- Visit structure: Average
- Treasure structures: Average

-Water Slider at 25-40%
- Undiggable walls and Diggable Wall Sliders down to 15%
- All other sliders left untouched at standard 50 %

- Each Player is given a team number (two different teams, one for each competitor)
- Ironman Mode: on
- Seal Victory: off
- Unifier Victory: at 2 Beacons
- Tactical Combat Mode * Against AI: Autocombat
                       * Against Humans : always manual combat 
- Game speed: Normal
- Starting Resource: Standard
- Starting Skills: Normal
- All Heroes Have Resurgence: Never
- Defenders Strength: Normal
- Cosmic Events: Medium
- Maximum Number of Heroes: 2 (1 Leader + 2 heroes)
- Maximum Heroes Level: 13

- Map Exploration: On
- City Founding: On
- Random heroes match player race: Off
- Empire Quests: On

1. One round cannot exceed 2 week. If neither of the players won 2 week after
the start of the round, then one should surrender and take a screenshot of
the score and provide it to the judges. The team with the highest (combined) score then wins the match.
If scores are very close, the judges can decide that it is a draw and ask the players to replay
the game with a shorter (for instance 1 week) deadline.

2. Players can arrange whatever settings (e.g. no dwellings) they choose, but in the absence of consensus,
the settings described in the “In-Game settings” above are to be considered the default.
The team hosting the game is automatically and randomly chosen by the Battlefield website.
If for any reason (e.g. no DLC), the designated host team cannot host the game, then the other team does.
The host must take screenshots, preferably in windowed mode (showing the date and hour when the screenshots were taken),
of the settings and post them publicly (so that his opponent and the judges can access them) before the match starts.

3. If one player temporarily cannot play in the week of the round (e.g. because of holidays, or personal issues),
and warn the opponent reasonably in advance, then the player will lost the game, when a reserve date can not be found.

4. if the game is crashing, the game is to relaod between 10 min, or the player will lost game who will not appear.

5. When the game can not played, a third player have to host the game.

6. Banter and taunting is allowed, rudeness, swearing and racial (or other prejudicial) language is not. Repeatedly trolling will lead to forfeiting the match.

7. The decision of the Judges is to be respected. Players breaking the rules get a total of 3 warnings before being disqualified from the tournament entirely. Judges may disqualify a player without warnings if their behaviour is deemed to be completely out of order (e.g. racism).

8. Player must play the latest version of the game and the mod (exclude of Beta).

9. If you feel one of the rules had been broken, but you carry on playing without reporting to the judges, then you have no recourse.

10. Players should not voluntarily exploits bug or weaknesses in the game. Players should report any bug or exploit to judges or on the official forum when they discover them. Judges can decide to ban players using exploits from the tournament.

Arbitration process
The main judge is Markymark.
Others judges are welcome.

Links zum Thema


Interview of Skuns453Lirik902 - finalist of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament

Interested in getting some insights into the strategies of some of the best players of AoW3? Want to know what they think are the best combos and units? This is the third of a series of 4 interviews with the players who qualified for the final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament. This article and the 4th one will present the finalist and the winner of this 32 players tournament.

2017-04-08 09:43:59| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

Skuns453Lirik902 is currently ranked #33 with 947 points on the Battlefield. His best ranking ever reached was #25 but he never crossed the threshold of 1000 points and is thus not yet considered a "Veteran" player, unlike Fistandantilus (see his interview in our previous article) or gabthegab, the winner of the tournament (who is actually "Master"). You might think he got to the final phase by accident and that's partly true since he did not face the strong No Life or Pothead Pixie but instead fought Blackcat (ranked #34) on round 3 of his 8-players sub-tournament because the two players dropped out of the tournament, and then the winner of the sub-tournament, Sjow, quitted too so Skuns was promoted to the final phase unexpectedly (see interview of Sjow). But that would be underestimating Skuns! Rated as a "Strong" player by xlnt and the top player gabthegab himself, Skuns is capable of beating top 8 players like Fistandantilus or Jonny Thunder. His high number of defeats (Skuns has also a win ratio of 23% - the worst in the top 40 -) is partly explained by his willingness to confront top players like cbower, SeeR, DarkRider, xlnt, Jean de Metz, etc. Unlike other players with high win ratio but few "high level encounters", Skuns faced the best and was sometimes not yet ready for them.
Skuns has a special affection for Frostling Necromancer, a combo he played 7 (or 8, a report is not clear) out of his 17 matches reported on the Battlefield. He tried it on the final against gab but was outplayed by his opponent's Dwarf Necromancer. In his other matches, he played almost all the classes (see his interview below for some explanations why), except Sorcerer, but seemed to have less success than when playing Necro.

The three other players qualified for the final phase all answered the same questions which the Battlefield team asked them and their answers have been already released (except for gabthegab, for which they will be soon). You can find the interview of Sjow in an article already published and Fistandantilus in last week's article.

Skuns453Lirik902's latest results  (many matches against top players... and many defeats! )

1/ First a little background on your IRL (if it’s not secret!): where are you from and how old are you?
Skuns453Lirik902: I live in Russia, Nighny Novgorod city. And I'm 32 years old.

2/ When did you start playing AoW and AoW3?
Skuns453Lirik902: I started playing AoW3 about 2 years ago. I had never played previous parts of this series.

3/ Do you usually play AoW3 in single player, PBEM or multiplayer?
Skuns453Lirik902: When I started playing to AoW3, I was interested only in single player games. But once I finished all the missions of the basic game campaigns with all DLCs , it was the saddest day because the great journey had ended.   I tried to play single player scenarios but after going through one of them, I realized that it was too boring.   Then I tried to play live multiplayer games. But with my bad internet connection, I was able to play only PBEM games. I played some matches and I liked it. However, I later fixed the problem with my internet connection and was able to play live multiplayer games. I started multiplayer with matches with the AI to practice. But I soon realised two things: 1) It's too harsh and too uninteresting to play against the AI with autocombat; 2) Almost all sessions were protected by passwords and I had no idea where to find them out.  So I continue to play PBEM games. <smiletext1> 
Sorry for such an extensive explanation.  May be I should be more concise.

4/ How did you choose your combos during the tournament?

Skuns453Lirik902: From the start of the tournament, I did not quite understand correctly the rules of the tourney. I thought that it was not allowed to repeat combos during the tournament.   So I started the tourney with my strongest combo. 
Also, as it turned out, I was completely unprepared for the tournament with its specific difficulties (after playing Single-player mode). And I had to adapt with all of this in a very short period of time.    
So after my first tourney match I tried to find a new combo which could be as strong as my first one. These attempts were conducted in the tournament and outside it. 
Later I found out how wrong I was concerning tourney rules.  But for some reason it did not become easier to play.   Almost all opponents had their own strategy. Each of them brought to me their own difficulties.
[Editor's note: see more stats on the top combos in the meta statistics of the Battlefield]

5/ What is your favourite class/race and why? With what specialisations?
Skuns453Lirik902: My favourite class/race is Necromancer Frostlings. Necro - because it's not only the most powerful class, but it also has no morale penalties with any race even when you are evil [Editor's note: Necro's cities are not affected by Morale and thus by Race Happiness so the fact that you raze cities of that race or declare war to independents of that race do not penalize your cities as a Necro, though you do get Race Happiness penalties].   Also only Necro has 2 T4 unit, with the Archon Titan who could be easily converted (before PBEM mod [Editor's note: Skuns is refering to the PBEM & Single Player balance mod]).   And Necro is not Necro without Stiffen Limbs and Whispers of the Fallen.  Frostlings - because their starting army is the most powerful (for me) despite some weaknesses. With specialisations: Destruction and Fire. One of them has also master upgrade specs to have +5 addition Research Points.

6/ In your opinion, what are some of the best units by tier?

Skuns453Lirik902: T1 - Wisp (can floating and teleport), Spider Babies (especially Hunter and Vampire; can evolve), Tigran Cheetah (have the ability Pounce, very weak, but dangerous)
T2 - Pikemen like the Frostling Royal Guards (but some of them are T1) with their First Strike, Mammoth and Mammoth Riders (has some weakness, but also powerful melee strike, almost like for a T3)
T3 - Troll, Shadow Stalker (unkillable ), Shamans (especially Orcs and Tigrans), Draconian Flyers, Death Bringers 
T4 - all Dragons (especially Obsidian and Golden), Manticore Riders (especially Tigran), Dread Reapers (not so strong, but very dangerous), Juggernaut (devastating), all Eldritchs

7/ What was the hardest match you played in this tournament?
Skuns453Lirik902:The hardest match for me was most likely the first match against XLNT   In this match I lost my cities very early. And maybe if xlnt had not been afraid of my AI partner he could have won [Editor's note: when he hosted the game, Skuns did not understand the settings and set up a 2vs2 with 1 AI allied to each human; it was later decided to let xlnt and him continue the game like this; that's not normal Duel tournament settings]. But he lost many turns in vain while my Necro army grew. And his chances to win became smaller and smaller. 
But during the match with Jonny Thunder, there were also some hard moments. My main forces were sent to his throne. And my throne was almost not protected. I saw that his small mobility army was sent to my back but I had no such mobile units to catch and kill them. But I didn't expect that he would sacrifice all his stacks to kill my leader.   And I was so lucky that he lacked one turn to capture my throne when my leader was into the Void.

8/ What results do you expect for the 3 players in the final phase?
Skuns453Lirik902: I think that the result of final phase will be: 1) Gab; 2) Fist; 3) Me (without a single victory  ) .
[Editor's note: in the end, gab won as expected but Skuns beat Fistandantilus twice and thus ended up 2nd]

Roster of the final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament

9/ Any advice for players who would like to improve?
Skuns453Lirik902: Only for PBEM! If you doubt in your skills, then you should investigate the classes with mind control specs first. And don't forget - never wage war with Dwellings.

If you're interested by more information about competitive plays, please check this piece of news: videos of competitive games

Interview of Fistandantilus - final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament

Interested in getting some insights into the strategies of some of the best players of AoW3? Want to know what they think are the best combos and units? This is the second of a series of 4 interviews with the players who qualified for the final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament.

2017-04-02 06:26:30| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

Fistandantilus is currently ranked #16 with 1020 points on the Battlefield, he is thus one of about 25 Veteran players of AoW3 (having reaching more than 1000 ranking points at least once). At his top, he was ranked #5 and he is probably currently under-ranked compared to his excellent PBEM skills following 2 defeats against Skuns453Lirik902 and 1 defeat against team Coup de Grâce. Fistandantilus is the leader of the Italian team The Sinners and is a very good Archdruid (Tigran), Theocrat and Sorcerer player. Having won one of the 8 players sub-tournaments (check the Hall of Fame for the list of all tournament winners), he qualified for the final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament. He lost his first game against Skuns453Lirik902 in a Theocrat vs Theocrat match, where he suffered a difficult starting position underground. After the defeat of Skuns against gabthegab in the second match of the final phase, Fistandantilus faced the Russian player a second time to try to qualify for the mega-final. This time, he played Archdruid Tigran and faced a Human Rogue, which proved inadequate for the map, which was cut in half on the surface by rapids (blocked water), significantly helping Skuns who benefited from Rogue's Flying and Floating units as well as Fairies from a Dwelling on his side of the rapids.

The three other players qualified for the final phase all answered the same questions which the Battlefield team asked them and their answers will be released soon. You can find the interview of Sjow in an article already published and you will be able to read the answers of gabthegab and Skuns453Lirik902 soon.

Fistandantilus's latest results  (many individual victories except against gabthegab and Skuns, a few team defeats)

1/ First a little background on your IRL (if it’s not secret!): where are you from and how old are you?
Fistandantilus: I'm from Italy, 42 years old.

2/ When did you start playing AoW and AoW3?
Fistandantilus: As soon as it came out, which is 1999 I believe. At the time I was playing *a lot* of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri PBEM and picked it up out of curiosity.
A few friends of mine (now on the Sinners Team) enjoyed the Warlords series and AoW shared a similar gameplay so I told them about the game and shortly after we were playing quite a lot of competitive PBEMs on the AoW Heaven site which was the main hub for AoW related things back then.
I did preorder AoW3 but it came out without PBEM support and I think I shelved it for a year or so after playing a bit in SP (the campaign was quite broken imho, I remember tedious turns moving dozens of Horned gods across a too big of a map, now it's improved greatly I believe). When the PBEM patch went out we all jumped back on the game.

3/ Do you usually play AoW3 in single player, PBEM or multiplayer?
Fistandantilus: 100% PBEM.
I finished the campaigns and didn't touch SP again. While I appreciate the effort I wish Triumph were bolder in campaign design. I'd like to see broken stuff, fun powerful abilities and big bonus given to the AI to make things interesting, the Blizzard approach taken for example in Starcraft and so on is the way to go to me, you do not care about balance in SP, the code word is fun.
Playing SP in AoW is too similar to MP against an opponent you can easily abuse, not my cup of tea. I'm afraid to say the AoW main competitors do a better job regarding the SP experience.

4/ How did you choose your combos during the tournament?

Fistandantilus: More or less random. I didn't play a race or class twice cause I like variety so I ended up playing almost everything (except necro, they were and maybe still are OP and I don't like playing popular/easy classes).
[Editor's note: see more stats on the top combos in the meta statistics of the Battlefield]

5/ What is your favourite class/race and why? With what specialisations?
Fistandantilus: I'm partial to Frostlings for lore and cuteness and I'm a mage at heart so Sorcerer. Grey Guard is too powerful imho so I end up selecting it way more than I'd like to.

6/ In your opinion, what are some of the best units by tier?

Fistandantilus: It's very hard to say as it greatly depends on situation (who you are fighting against, fast combat or not and so on) so I really cannot tell. I do believe there are very weak units though, for example I cannot stomach building Orc Razorbows.

7/ What was the hardest match you played in this tournament?
Fistandantilus: First match I played: ehall20, he knocked at my door on turn 12 with a couple of lvl 14 heroes (Necromancers) and a few 'ghouled' T3 and T4. I had to use concealment, several bonuses (great webbing on a stack of T1, heroes with undead killer and so on) and a sneak attack against his cities in the back to lure him out and force a decisive battle who went well for me. I think he got a little too confident and paid the price.

8/ What results do you expect for the 3 players in the final phase?
Fistandantilus: I expect gab to win easily and me to come in third place, I'm a bit rusty and quite burned out on AoW at the moment, plus Skuns is a great player.
[Editor's note: in the end, this prevision proved right!]

Roster of the final phase of the 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament

9/ Any advice for players who would like to improve?
Fistandantilus: Just watch Hiliadan instructive videos on YouTube!

If you're interested by more information about competitive plays, please check this piece of news: videos of competitive games

PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod v1.21 released on its beta branch

Ranked #4 best mod by AoW3 players in a recent poll, the PBEM & Single Player balance mod released its v1.21 about 2 months ago on its beta branch. That new version will be released on the main branch of the balance mod around April 21st and brings much needed changes to specializations such as Earth Adept, Partisan, etc., refines the previous changes to mind-control and healing and start to tackle the issue of risk/reward for high level sites. v1.21 also includes Russian localization and integrates two mods into the balance mod, bringing some of the best visual improvements of AoW3 to its users: the Racial Class Unit Reskin mod by Tibbles and the Racial Watchtower by iHunterKiller. v1.22 of the balance mod will make currently rarely used units, heroes or their abilities more useful, fun and interesting to play.

2017-03-19 17:21:19| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

The PBEM & Single Player balance mod is an essential mod for any AoW3 player (as explained in this article) and has been recognized as one of the best mods for AoW3 in a poll of the community organized recently (it ranked #4 by number of votes, as explained in this article listing the top 20 mods for AoW3). v1.21 further implements the objectives stated in the article announcing the release of v1.2: improving weak and unexciting specialisations, improving the balance of risks and rewards for high level sites and polishing previous balance changes. v1.21 also introduces a Russian localization for the mod, which means that Russian users will now be able to enjoy the mod fully in Russian, thanks to Larik for the translation!
This 25 minutes video introduces the key features of v1.21 (turn the English subtitles on as additional content is provided through them):

With the permission of the two mods' authors, v1.21 integrates the Racial Class Unit Reskin mod by Tibbles and the Racial Watchtower by iHunterKiller, which means that users of the balance mod will have to tick only 1 box at launch and benefit from the content of the 3 mods.

The new racial Frostling watchtower brought by the Racial Watchtower by iHunterKiller and new icons for all class units brought by the Racial Class Unit Reskin mod by Tibbles

v1.21 will be released around the 21st of April (to coincide with round 4 of the PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament) on the main branch of the balance mod. You can already play it on the beta branch of the balance mod.

The release that will come after v1.21, namely v1.22, will further boost lacklustre specializations (e.g. boosts to the Fire and Creation Empire strategic spells, boosts Shadowborn Master, etc.), provide adjustments to overpowered strategies that recently emerged on the competitive PBEM scene (e.g. evolved Exalted Martyrs) and above all start to tackle two issues the AoW3 community highlighted as priorities for balance in a recent poll about the directions the balance mod should take in the near future:
- Make currently rarely used units more useful (e.g. non-cavalry units produced at War Halls)
- Make all heroes and their abilities more interesting (e.g. boost Dreadnought’s late game abilities)

Full changelog of v1.21 (also available on the official changelog of the balance mod)

- T4 all have Mind Control Immunity
- Dungeon's battle enchantment is Suffocating Sadism. Every turn, one enemy unit is hit by 15 physical damage, Undead, Machine, Elemental and Incorporeal are immune. Every time an enemy dies, all defenders of the Dungeon get +100 Morale and +1 melee strength.

The two new battle enchantments beefing up the defenses of Dungeons (one of the best high-level site, which usually provides two T3 as rewards, for risks that were limited up to v1.21) and the new design of Frostling Theocrat class units by Tibbles (Racial Class Unit Reskin incorporated into the balance mod)

- Healing is once per battle (was cooldown 3). Shamans (on Elite) and Evangelists get Combat Healing in addition to their Healing ability. Combat Healing starts fights with an initial 4 turns cooldown, it heal 20 HP and it can be used once per battle. Combat Healing has no effect on the strategic map (but Healing still works on the strategic map). Order of Healing gives Healing and Combat Healing to Theocrat's Supports
- Transform Mana Node can target any Mana Node (was can target only basic - i.e. non elemental - Mana Node)

Elemental Master specializations' Transform to XX Node now works on all Mana Node

- Lesser Charm and Charm have strength 6 (was 7) and 8 (was 9) respectively

- Lesser Convert and Convert have strength 8 (was 9) and 10 (was 11) respectively

- Frostling Apprentices, Shamans and Evangelists are female (were male) and can thus be protected by Frostling Royal Guards

- Guerilla Tactics apply to all units (was only Infantry and Irregular)
- Hide Out is renamed Cloaked in Shadows and gives: all units in target friendly army gain Invisibility until end of turn (was All friendly units in enchanted city's domain are invisible). Cloaked in Shadow costs 60 CP, 120 RP and is tier II.

The new strategic spell, Cloaked in Shadows replaces Hide Out and opens up new possibilities for stealthy raids

- War Anthem costs 20 CP to cast (was 30 CP). If it fails, the unit suffer -100 morale instead (was no effect if it failed).

- Domain of Earth gives +1 defense to allied units in the enchanted city’s domain.
- Slow costs 9 CP and 300 RP (was 10 CP and 350 RP).
- City Quake costs 90 CP (was 100 CP)

- Domain of Winter gives +1 ranged damage to allied units in the enchanted city’s domain.
- Artic Empire gives Inflict Chilling and Inflict Frostbite to units in your domain.
- Air Master gets Heavy Winds instead of Wind Ward. Heavy Winds is a strategic spell which gives -2 vision range to all Flying enemy units (on the strategic map) and prevent them from Flying in tactical combat. It costs 800 RP and 150 CP, is tier V, its disjunction cost is 170 CP and its upkeep 60 mana/turn.

- Domain of the Sun gives +1 fire damage to allied units in the enchanted city’s domain.

All Domain of XX spells got boosted to give bonus to units in the domain, Fire Domain now provides additional Fire damage

- Domain of Life gives Fast Healing (stackable) and +20% Spirit protection  to allied units in the enchanted city’s domain.

- Domain of Corruption gives +1 Blight damage to allied units in the enchanted city’s domain.
- Blight Empire gives Inflict Curse to allied units in your domain.

Wild Magic
- Pandemonium gives two 60% weakness to two random damage channels to hostile units  (was one 100% weakness) (other effects of Pandemonium are unchanged)

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Best mods for AoW3 and other poll results (best class, worst starting class)

You love AoW3 and you would like to improve your experience even further? Then have a look at the list of top mods in this article! They have been selected by the community and submitted to a vote. The must-haves are Racial Class Unit Reskin from Tibbles, the Racial Heritage Mod from Eomolch and the PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod from Zaskow and Hiliadan. These mods bring beautiful new graphics for existing units, new units for each race and more fun & balance for the game. The article also have a look at the results of recent polls on the favourite classes of the community, the classes considered the worst for the starting hero and the games of Triumph played by the community.

2017-02-17 17:10:57| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

AoW3 is a very rich game with about 400 units, more than 400 techs and 400 unit abilities and few players have played all its class or races. All this variety is further enhanced by a plethora of mods designed by the community to improve graphics or increase their customization, add new units/spells/buildings/abilities/etc., improve the ease of use of the game or improve existing assets of the game by making them more fun and more balanced.

Chart of the Age of Wonders series in numbers, compiled by Tibbles (full chart can be found on the official Triumph news)

How to navigate all these mods?
A shortlist of 20 of the best mods was drafted with the help of the community on the Steam forum. These 20 mods were then put to a poll open to everyone for a month and a half until the end of January 2017. 62 votes were cast, electing the best mods of AoW3! This list should help you to find the best mods and select the ones most appropriate to your style and wishes.
Of course, this list does not include mods created around January 2017 or later, so do not forget to experiment with new mods that may not have been well-known when the poll was run!

The top 5 mods
#1 - Racial Class Unit Reskin - 34 votes (55%)

Category: Visuals
The top mod on the Steam Workshop with more than 13,000 subscribers, the Racial Class Unit Reskin came also first of our ranking! More than simple reskins, this must-have mod from Tibbles significantly improves the appearance of all race-specific class units (so machine and non-racial Undead excluded), making each race's units really unique and recognizable.
Please note that for ease of use (and with the permission of Tibbles), this mod is going to be included in the PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod (see below), which means you will need only to activate the Balance Mod to benefit from the Class Unit Reskin mod.

New racial models of the Warlord Warbreed (by Tibbles)

High Elf Shaman before and after the improvement (by Tibbles)

#2 - Racial Heritage Mod - 22 votes (35%)

Category: New content
One of the most successful mod adding new content to the game (others include the Empire Building mod – below in the top -, City Building mod – not in the top – and the Hero mods from the same author), the Racial Heritage Mod deepens the alignment concept and brings two sub-factions for each race, one good and one evil. Each sub-faction brings two new units to the game, as well as a production chain including in general four new buildings. In total, the mod thus brings 4*9 = 36 new units to the game, which you will face at independent sites and that you will be able to build in your cities. Each faction has a very specific gameplay and flavour, greatly enhancing the game experience.
Together with the Hero Development, the Hero Profession and the Old Man & the Sea mods (see lower in the ranking), Eomolch created content worth a new DLC for the community.

Tigran Battle Priest, from the Moon Cult Tigran sub-faction (by Eomolch)

Halfling Gardener, from the Good, The Vigil Halfling sub-faction (by Eomolch)

#3 - Racial Watchtowers - 14 votes (23%)

Category: Visuals
This mod by iHunterKiller replaces the standard Watchtowers on the strategic map by race specific Watchtowers, embellishing the strategic map. Simple and efficient, it ended up third of our ranking.
Please note that for ease of use (and with the permission of iHunterKiller), this mod is also going to be included in the PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod (see below), which means you will need only to activate the Balance Mod to benefit from the Racial Watchtowers mod.
SEPTEMBER 2017 UPDATE: since v1.8 Poseidon, the Racial Watchtower mod suffers from a bug that prevents Builders from building water Fortresses. This can be fixed by using the PBEM & Single Player Balance mod, which includes a fixed version of the mod (see #4 below).

Draconian Watchtower (by iHunterKiller)

Orc Watchtower (by iHunterKiller)

#4 - PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod - 12 votes (19%)

Category: Balance, New content, Visuals
This mod is the result of extensive and long-term work by the AoW3 community to improve the game by making it both more balanced and more fun to play with all races, classes and specializations, started in early 2016. It includes many new and reworked ability and techs (e.g. a Fortifying Meal for Halfling Brew Brother that synergizes with Halfling Farmers by allowing them to Throw Chicken again, a new Cloaked in Shadows tech for the Partisan specialization which makes units Invisible for 1 turn, etc.), making Dreadnought and Halfling more enjoyable and interesting to play, Necromancer more balanced, lacklustre specializations such as Partisan, Earth, Air Master, etc. more interesting. The full changelog is available on a dedicated page.

Two branches of the mod co-exist: a beta-branch to test new version and a main branch which receives versions successfully tested in the beta branch.

Changes are designed both by (through a discussion process with many players which ensures only needed and coherent changes are brought) and for the AoW3 community, with both Single players and PBEM players in mind. With Triumph having stopped balancing the game, this mod aims at being the new "base game" for all players. As such, it includes the Racial Class Unit Reskin and Racial Watchtower mods (#1 and #3 of our ranking) with the permission of their authors, which means players using the balance mod benefit from their visual improvements without needing to separately download and launch them (first these two mods have been integrated only in the beta branch of the balance mod, they will soon be included in the main branch too). Other must-have mods will be added to the balance mod on a case by case basis.

Two articles explain why PBEM players and single players should use the PBEM balance mod and introduce the latest version of the balance mod, v1.2 and v1.21.

A video showcases the improvements brought by the balance mod:

Engineers are boosted and can now build Roads, as well as fire Flash Bomb (stronger than Flash Bang)

#4 - Empire Building Mod - 12 votes (19%)

Category: New content
Another mod bringing content almost worth a new DLC, this rich mod from The Mentat brings new building chains (also modifying existing ones), new units, a revamped hero upgrade system, new combat spells, etc. The Empire Building mod really provides a new experience of AoW3 and increases the "empire building" part of the game. It is very well developed with a very complete and well-illustrated manual and a translation in German (in addition to English).

Shadow Witch, one of the 27 alternative racial unit of the mod (by The Mentat)

Some of the new buildings deepening the empire building aspect of the game: Market and Academy (by The Mentat)

Honourable mentions
#6 - Corrupt the Source - Extensions - 11 votes (18%)
Category: Ease of use and improved game mechanics
Gloweye and Charlatan brought a Cleanse the Source spell to clean sites corrupted by evil forces. A new Haunted Inn and associated recruitable units are added, making it possible to corrupt Inns.

#6 - Extra Support Units - 11 votes (18%)
Category: New content
Tibbles added 1 new T3 mounted Support unit for each race, unlocked by a new Chamber of Mystery building. Mod translated in English and German.

#6 - Hero Development Mod - 11 votes (18%)
Category: New content
Eomolch cleverly revamped the hero upgrade system, adding 3 specialization to each class and race-dependant upgrades, which means that each hero is now more unique, having both race specific upgrades and a specialization (melee, range or support) which can lead for instance to 2 Rogue heroes in your army with totally different skills and roles. A manual is available.
Another mod, Hero Profession mod, did not make it into the top 10 (it ranked #13) but is also worth a look, in combination with this mod.

#9 - Age of Wardrobe Extended - 10 votes (16%)
Category: Visual, Customization
Sylverite brought more background and a few new hairstyles for our preferred leaders. For those looking for more leader customization, the Decodence - Leader Customizations (#15 in the ranking) is also worth a look.
SEPTEMBER 2017 UPDATE: this mod does not work on some computers and crashes AoW3 on the first loading screen. There is no known fix. You can try the mod and see if it runs on your computer or not...

#9 - Triumphant Heroes - 10 votes (16%)
Category: New content
Tibbles (her again! Three mods in the top 10) designed 35 new heroes together with the great Tombles (from Triumph Studios).

The rest of the shortlist of best mods
#11 - More Colors for Coat of Arms - 9 votes (15%)
Category: Visual, Customization

#11 - Structure Reward Variety - 9 votes (15%)
Category: Ease of use and improved game mechanics

#13 - Hero Profession Mod - 8 votes (13%)
Category: New content

#13 - The Old Man and the Sea - 8 votes (13%)
Category: New content

#15 - Decodence - Leader Customizations - 7 votes (11%)
Category: Visual, Customization

#16 - Beastman Dwelling - 6 votes (10%)
Category: New content

#16 - Dark Elf Dwelling - 6 votes (10%)
Category: New content

#16 - Extended Settings - More Game and Map Settings - 6 votes (10%)
Category: Customization

#19 - Cave Lighting Change - 5 votes (8%)
Category: Visual

#20 - Super Dynamic Structure Generation - 2 votes (3%)
Category: Customization

Full results of the poll about the best mods for AoW3

Other polls were also run in recent months, their results are displayed below.

Games of Triumph played – poll run in September 2016

Most players registered on the (registration was necessary to vote for this poll) never played the Overlord series and most of them discovered AoW with the Shadow Magic title, as many as 80% of players played Shadow Magic (and apparently liked it so much that they later bought AoW3!).

Favourite class in terms of fun and strength – poll run in November 2016

Voters could only vote for one class for that poll (open only to registered users on the Battlefield) and very interestingly, no class got more than 21% of the vote, demonstrating the good work of Triumph which created classes for all tastes and equally interesting, with no class dominating the others. Arch Druid, Necromancer, Rogue and Sorcerer are preferred and Dreadnought is relatively unloved but overall, all classes fit the playstyle of some players.

Worst class for a starting hero – poll run in January and February 2017

The first hero you get can be quite important for the rest of your game and sometimes, it may be worth refusing a bad hero (e.g. refusing a Rogue if you are playing Tigran Rogue and you want some healing). The results of that poll indicate that Necromancers, Theocrats and Arch Druids are the prefered starting heroes, never or almost never refused. By contrast, Dreadnoughts and Warlords are rejected by many players, who probably dislike the lack of good early game or late game abilities from Dreadnought and the lack of real healing or support leadership abilities (e.g. elemental resistance or morale bonus) from Warlord. The results would probably be very different if the question was about the second hero proposed.

If you want to learn more about the, the community website for AoW3, please read this article.

Properly introducing the Shadow Elves, the new race of the Shadow Realm community-made expansion

What happened to Meandor and the troops that followed him through the Shadow Gates? What is the nature of the threat lurking in the Shadow Realm? How will the Shadow Elves be played? This first article on the gameplay of Shadow Elves presents their lore and the broad lines of their gameplay, together with some screenshots from their line-up.

2017-01-31 17:25:20| Geschrieben von Hiliadan

As explained in the three previous articles about the Shadow Realm community expansion (A glimpse of the new race and Initial progresses on the expansion and the first article announcing the expansion), a team of volunteers is currently working on a new expansion for AoW3 which will bring 1 new layer, the Shadow Realm beyond the Shadow Gates, full of dangers and high rewards, 1 new race, the Shadow Elves, and 2 new Dwellings, the (living) Archons, secluded in the Shadow Realm, and the Dark Elves, fierce warriors concealing themselves deep underground. In recent weeks, there was a lot of progress thanks to the hard work of: vfxrob on models for the Shadow Elves, Draxynnic, Gloweye and Hiliadan on the line-up of the race, Dr_K on the Archons and the preparations for the new race, as well as Charlatan – who left the project -, HousePet and others. The project is thus moving at a good pace toward completion, even if significant work is still required to integrate the Shadow Realm layer into the Random Map Generator (RMG) and fill it with sites, roaming units, etc.

Who are the Shadow Elves?
Before presenting how their gameplay specificities, let’s introduce their story, masterfully written by Draxynnic (the text may evolve before release).

The Sealing of the Shadow Gate
(Much of this introductory section is a summary of relevant background lore that has previously been published by Triumph: see for more details)

The defeat of the All-Devourer in the year 382 of Queen Julia’s Rule (236 years before the start of Age of Wonders 3) precipitated an exodus of armies from Athla into the Shadow World. First to leave, having no claim on Athla itself, were the Archons (who had formally relinquished their claim on Athla during the final battle against the All-Devourer) and the Syrons. Shortly afterwards, delegations from this initial wave returned to Athla, requesting assistance from Athla’s wizards in claiming other worlds that had been discovered in the Shadow World. Many of the wizards responded to the call, including Meandor.

While those who know the truth have not spoken on it, it is clear that something went wrong. Within fifty years, as viewed from Athla, and possibly over a thousand from the perspective of those in the Shadow World, most of the wizards that had entered the Shadow World had been lost. A century after the founding of the Commonwealth, a delegation of Archons arrived seeking reinforcements, but were largely ignored by the Commonwealth Synod, and left with few additional recruits. Thirty years afterwards, Meandor returned.

Having remained distrustful of humans, Meandor refused to divulge his news to the Commonwealth, speaking only to Merlin and Julia. Nevertheless, a rumour spread that a new power had been found in the Shadow World, sparking a second exodus into the Shadow World by wizards seeking to claim it. Whatever the reason for Meandor’s return, it was evidently enough to spark drastic action.

While Julia stockpiled supplies to tide Athla through the cataclysms to come, Meandor gathered a large army and used it to destroy Sunbirth Citadel, the city which had been built close to the last remaining Shadow Gate on Athla. He drove the population of the area away before directing his army through the Gate. Before anyone else could react, Merlin enacted his ritual to seal the Gate, protecting the people of Athla from whatever might have been happening beyond the Gate… but leaving those who had already passed through stranded.

(Here ends the summary of official Age of Wonders lore. What follows is extrapolation from official lore for the purpose of the mod, and may vary from the direction Triumph takes in future instalments.)

The reinforcements from Athla, led by Meandor, made the difference. Whatever dire threat to Athla had prompted such drastic action was held off for long enough for the gate to be sealed, and with the sealing of the Gate, efforts to seize Athla through the gate slackened, the attacker or attackers instead seeking to influence agents within Athla to reopen the Gate from Athla’s side.

The Shadow Elves
In order to gather an army quickly without attracting the notice of the Commonwealth, Meandor could afford to recruit only those that he trusted implicitly. Dead men tell no tales, and in a twist of irony, the army that Meandor led to reinforce the Archons in the Shadow World included the largest gathering of undead seen in Athla between Julia’s coronation and the resurrection of Melenis. However, despite having been absent from Athla for over a century, Meandor retained allies among the living as well, and the most numerous of those were the Dark Elves he had once ruled. Many of the eastern Dark Elf fortresses were emptied, their garrisons departing to march hundreds of miles through the caverns beneath the earth, emerging into the light only after they had gathered at the rallying point close to Sunbirth Citadel.

The majority of the Shadow Elves were part of this army, or are descendants of those that were (time passes strangely in the Shadow Realm). Some Wood Elves that were also part of the army have been assimilated into the fold, and other Shadow Elven groups are survivors of previous expeditions into the Shadow Realm by Serena, Arachne, and even Meandor’s initial forays.

While elves have traditionally preferred to dwell in forests, they are capable of adapting to life in a new environment within a matter of decades – a talent that allowed the Dark Elves to adapt to living underground after the fall of Inioch’s court. This gave the Dark Elves a head start in adapting to the Shadow World – some, in fact, had already learned to exchange their physical bodies with the essence of shadow, and arrived in the Shadow World already immune to the nausea and disorientation that strikes most mortals on arrival to that plane. While forfeiting their natural form was too much of a sacrifice for most, the Elves that were now stranded in the Shadow Realm devised a ritual to infuse themselves with enough shadow essence to inoculate themselves against the debilitating effects of the Shadow World.

This ritual, applied to Wood Elves and Dark Elves alike, served as a kind of mirror to the Mending, although at the time this symmetry passed unnoticed on both sides of the Gate. Since the reopening of the Shadow Gate, some have claimed that the development of this ritual occurred too close to the timing of the Mending to be coincidence, although the difficulty of accurately tracking the passing of time in the Shadow Realm makes such claims difficult to verify. However, while the High Elves of Athla clearly resemble the Wood Elves more than the Dark Elves, in the Shadow World it is the other way around: in part because the ritual is derived from Dark Elven magic, and in part simply because the majority of Shadow Elves were Dark Elves to begin with. Nevertheless, while many similarities remain, the Shadow Elves remain very distinct from what they were: their wounded souls have been healed (some would say by filling the void inside them with shadow), the spider cults of Arachne have been eradicated from most of their holdings, and they are no longer as motivated by old hatreds as they once were. Instead, their society has been shaped by the needs of survival in the Shadow Realm, and by the need to retain control of their side of the Shadow Gate should it ever reopen...
as it did after Melenis’ defeat.

Almost complete Shadow Elf Rogue racial units by vfxrob, work in progress

While the Shadow Elves have stood watch over Athla since the sealing of the Shadow Gate, this does not mean they necessarily welcome the lords and representatives of Athla within their realms. Some remember the direction in which the Commonwealth was heading when they left, and word of the exile of the Elves after they left and of the fighting between the Commonwealth and the Court will only confirm their prejudices. Others are suspicious – and rightly so – that whoever opened the Shadow Gate is likely in league with their enemies, and are wary of being attacked from both sides. Still others tire of a life of constant conflict in the Shadow Realm, and may seek to desert their posts and seek safety in Athla, taking new holdings by force if need be. While Meandor and the Torchbearers seek to keep such incidents to a minimum, the potential for misunderstanding and conflict remains high… and the Shadowborn would like nothing more than to spark another war that will leave Athla ripe for the taking.

Shadow Elf Rogue units (Scoundrels, Assassins, Succubus, Bards) by vfxrob, work in progress

How will the Shadow Elves be played?
The Shadow Elves, Dark Elves and High Elves will be played very differently, even if they of course share similarities. Shadow Elves have developed natural talents to exploit magic forces and either strengthen them or tame them. They excel in the Shadow Realm, where they do not suffer from Shadow Sickness, unlike all races from Athla but the Draconians. Far from their home, the Shadow Realm, they will quickly become demoralised and their home-advantage gone, they may be defeated by Athla’s races.
Dark Elves by contrast will excel in the depth of Athla, moving furtively in its undergrounds, concealed from enemy eyes but seeing everything. Dark Elves are fierce warriors, devastating when they attack, leaving them sometimes critically exposed if their enemy survive their first attacks.

Common characteristics of all the Shadow Elf units (subject to changes before release)
Shadow Elves use Physical, Shock and Frost damage, which represent the “Shadow” damage. The more a unit is intertwined with the Shadows, the more it uses Frost damage. Shadow Elves have new ability to strengthen magic and use Shadow forces: battle summon, area of effect ranged attack blinding enemy units, magical buffs, etc. They can also weaken the magic of their opponents most notably by feeding from their enemies’ enchantments to increase their shock damage. Some Shadow Elf units, more infused by Shadow energy, can mark their enemies with Shadow, increasing the damage other units cause to these enemies, creating synergies between units.
Dark Elves use Physical and Blight damage, and rarely Shock damage. They resist Blight and Shock and are vulnerable to Spirit. They count Spider Matriarch and Bladedancers in their ranks.
Shadow Elves should thus be interesting counters to armies focusing on non-fire elemental damage and battle enchantments. They will provide unseen strategies during tactical battles with their synergies and battle summon. Their weakness to fire will make them especially vulnerable when facing Draconians and Dwarves, among others.

The mount used by Shadow Elves, by vfxrob, work in progress

Future articles will provide more details on the racial and class units of the Shadow Elves. The team working on the expansion also hopes to be able to present more the Shadow Realm layer itself. You can see a third structure that will appear in the Shadow Realm below.

Example of structures that players will encounter in the Shadow Realm, the Ravens Home, by Charlatan, made as a tribute for Ravenholme – several of the structures that will be included in the Shadow Realm were first made in tribute to players who helped Charlatan in his work, and are now included in the Decodence mod

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