Game #11 | BF PBEM 14 - EA Snerdryn
Match Details
Played: | 2021-01-31 |
Rating | 2 - Nice Game |
Amount of Humans: | 7 |
Kind of game: | PBEM |
Era: | Early Ages |
Game-value: | 75 |
Result | Player | Nation | Team | Points | Extra Points | Missed Points | Quitter | Rate |
1 | Reaper | Marverni | 7 | 191 | 95 | 0 | here | |
2 | Scratch1324 | Niefelheim | 5 | 141 | 70 | -50 | here | |
3 | Blackbarney | Fomoria | 2 | 91 | 45 | -100 | here | |
4 | Jaggysnake82 | Ermor | 3 | 0 | 0 | -93 | here | |
5 | J-PAP | Mictlan | 6 | 0 | 0 | -191 | here | |
6 | MARKYMARK | Ulm | 1 | 0 | 0 | -105 | here | |
7 | KTBA | Helheim | 4 | -120 | 0 | -150 | here |
Confirmed by KTBA
Confirmed by KTBA
Confirmed by Reaper
Written by Blackbarney
GG everyone and congrats to Reaper/Marveni for the win!
For my part I think that the war with Mictlan was needed as he had a very mean bless that could catapult him into the win if not stopped. Also his initial attack and diplo style grated against the way I normally play.
btw I cast GfH spells to destroy the Mono on my cap.
After losing many sacreds in the Mictlan cap battle I was to weakened to put up much resistance.
See you all next time!
Well I think from the point of view who will win, the game was offer the moment Scratch had to leave, as the Ai is not able to put up resistance for long (and with Alt9 even the big stacks will not be able to do anything now). Whatever Fomoria has sneaking around, I fear it wil not stand against three queens of air with gear and 30 gems each useing cloud trapeze.
As for the positions: I do not want to belittle blackbarney or Jaggy but I would have put Scratch1234 on Positon 2 as I am sure they would have been the winner if I had lost. So it would be:
1. Reaper Maverni
2. Scratch1234 Niefelheim
3. blackborney Fomoria
4. Jaggy Ermor
5. J-PAP Mictlan
6. Markymark Ulm
7. KTBA Helheim.
I think MARKYMARK can also declare the game finished on the Lamaserver site, but one was to be the admin to do so.
Maybe a short summary of the game from my (Marverni) perspectiv:
My plan for the game waas more a test how good the blood vengeance bless would work with the boars. In hindsight I think the fountain of blood would have been better in a dormant state with 4 astral and a point growth. But I fear the problem for Marverni is always that one could get rushed, especially with magic weapon sacreds. I also had quite some luck with the magicsites I found, as there was a nature site in most of the provinces I got in the expansion. So I could stack up on nature gems and later on boars.
The first conflict of the game was, as far as I have seen it, the Fomoria/Miclan conflict. For my part I was quite happy that the maybe two strongest nations fought each other. Helheim joined that war on Fomorias side, but it appears that it did not work out for him. So Niefelheim and me swallowed him. For me it was at this point the question if I would go against Helheim or Ulm and I decided against Helheim a little bit before it was clear that he had lost stuff against Miclan as I thought it would be easier if Helheim is out of the game early. After that I turned to Ulm as the boar factories were up and running and I wanted to make use of the low magic resistance of the ulmish troops.
Interestingly the Fomoria/Miclan war was still raging and a major turningpoint was the death of Miclans Monolith atop of Fomorias capital, I think. If I remember correct the Monolith killed itself with gift from heavens. That could have also gone the other way as one could see later, when Fomoria tried to finish Miclan and was repelled at least two times by just the Monolith, losing quite some stuff. Niefelheim and I then plotted against Fomoria and attacked him quite efficient. Ermor was also on board but that was around the time were they left so they did not participate. My reason to go against Fomoria and not NIefelheim was mostly that Fomoria has a more reliable wailing wind access and boars are still boars. Fomoria did cast burden of time which did put Niefelheim and me on the clock. Since Fomoria had to water forts they were not so easly kicked out of the game and they still hunt the world with that global. Unfortunatly NIefelheim had to leave in the first turns of the war between them and myself. We both had strong positions. If Ermor would have been around they could also at least have tipped the scales in one direction.
So the game ends with many what-ifs but now the boars rule over all. I want to say to all: Thanks for playing. It was great fun.
Positions for a possible report:
1. Reaper Maverni
2. blackborney Fomoria
3. Jaggy Ermor
4. Scratch1234 Niefelheim
5. J-PAP Mictlan
6. Markymark Ulm
7. KTBA Helheim.
Agree? Need more time to play? When possible will report it and create a new one this weekend.
And thus concludes the lesson
'which nation and under which conditions should I gank in lategame, to give myself even a remote chance of winning'
As Fomoria (me) is defeated, Ermor seems to be AWOL and Nief has staled 3 times it may be fair to declare Marveni the winner.
Just officially set myself to AI. Looks like I'm already pretty much dead, though.
GG anyway:-) Much better like me:-=
I've dropped - life issues. Sounds like Reaper is clearing me out. Or maybe I got set to AI? Not sure.
Playing AND fighting each other from what my scouts tell me
And every turn I get a report abut how many units are affected by Burden of Time
My scouts are being mindhunted, so I'm guessing BoT is becoming annoying enough that they are actively searching for the commander that has it up.
To Scratch and Reaper I'll say this: yes, please continu mindhunting! I'm sure it will not end badly for the hunter
@Markymark: short update
As Fomoria is have no provs left and a few commanders.
One of those still has Burden of Time up.
So I lost but am still affecting the game
Hey - could I get a six hour extension, please? Thanks.
Yeah, definitely getting that vibe. I think if Ermor and I paired up against Marv, we might have a chance, but I don't see that happening. (I'll note that I've already said as much to Marv and Ermor via messaging - this shouldn't be news to anyone still in the game).
We'll see what happens. Might have to chalk this one up to experience and the importance of good scouting.
I think you dug your own grave then: Marveni already had more caps than I did before he annexed mine. Not to mention the amount of provs and globals he has (curious how big his research lead is?). So singeling out Fomoria interesting line of thought and perhaps an error in judgement? :-P
Yeah, I might be a bit responsible for the entire Fomo-phobia and following dogpile. To be fair, you were looking very scary a few turns ago.
Also, AI Mictlan persists, and he will likely persist until the game ends. That monolith is crazy strong o_o.
After a brutal campaign vs Mictlan (who went AI), the nation of Fomoria was floundering. The ene,y pretender has been resurrected and is proving very resilient to our attacks.
Under the guise of 'Fomoria is a big threat!', we were again invaded but this time by 1+ nations
Our provinces are almost gone and we lost a fight in our capital. Fortunately we have been able to inflict Burden of Time as retaliation for this heinous act of invading our sacred lands!
Happy New Year everyone! (yeah a bit late, I know)
Something weird happened, I cast a global and the next turn I have the gems I used still in my gemslist but the global is cast
I'll refrain from using those until I figure this out
okay, did it.
See only 4 players in game. who has left next?
Happy Christmas, Mark
sorry when i'm late...shall i do rollback of last turn?
Can i get a 24h extension please..
lamaserver hasn't sent me the turn again and im still waiting for a resend and about to start work..
Could we do the turn this week instead of next week, for instance Wednesday the 17th?
It seems like a long wait now that the patch has been rolled out
Anyway GG Helheim, will be follow soon...