

Last seen:

Just a moment ago

Player's team:

Did not join any team


Excellent player 100%
100% Excellent player
Fair player 0%
0% Fair player
Regular player 0%
0% Regular player
Dont play this player 0%
0% Dont play this player
Bad player 0%
0% Bad player
Total participants: 3

More details


Excellent Player! 33%
33% Excellent Player!
Strong Player! 0%
0% Strong Player!
Good Player! 66%
66% Good Player!
Average Player! 0%
0% Average Player!
Weak Player / Newbee! 0%
0% Weak Player / Newbee!
Total participants: 3

More Details

First match: 2009-08-14
Last match: 2022-04-25

Statistics for league Civilization V:

League active since (- until): 2012-01-06 - 2017-10-31

Matches: 63

Wins: 24 Losses: 18 Draws (no winner): 21

First match: 2012-01-06 Last match: 2017-10-31

Opponents defeated: 93 Losses against opponents: 108

Player lost against MARKYMARK (random ) | 4
Player won against ChakaChan (Siam-Ramkhamhaeng ) | 2
Player lost against MARKYMARK (random ) | 2
Player lost against Akecheta (India-Gandhi ) | 4
Player lost against hugobaldur (France-Napoleon ) | 2
Player lost against hugobaldur (Egypt-Ramesses II ) | 5
Player won against hugobaldur (India-Gandhi ) | 2
Player won against hugobaldur (France-Napoleon ) | 2
Player won against ChakaChan (random ) | 2
Player lost against Marican (Maya-Pacal ) | 5
Player won against MARKYMARK (Egypt-Ramesses II ) | 2
Player lost against Marican (Ethiopie-Haile Selaissie ) | 4
Player lost against hugobaldur (Babylon-Nebuchadnezzar II ) | 2
Player lost against Marican (Germany-Bismarck ) | 5
Player lost against viktorianer (Songhai-Askia ) | 6
Player won against HugoBaldur (random ) | 2
Player won against ROBOLD hugobaldur ChakaChan (Babylon-Nebuchadnezzar II ) | 4
Player won against hugobaldur (random ) | 2
Player lost against Marican (France-Napoleon ) | 6
Player lost against Marican (France-Napoleon ) | 4
Player won against MARKYMARK (Babylon-Nebuchadnezzar II ) | 2
Player lost against Marican (France-Napoleon ) | 5
Player won against hugobaldur (random ) | 2
Player lost against Marican (Ethiopie-Haile Selaissie ) | 4
Player won against hugobaldur (Aztecs-Montezuma ) | 2
Player lost against Fouché (Siam-Ramkhamhaeng ) | 2
Player lost against DerElefant (Ethiopie-Haile Selaissie ) | 7
Player lost against Fouché (random ) | 2
Player lost against hugobaldur (Egypt-RamessesII ) | 5
Player lost against geiler Lurch (Ethiopie-Haile Selaissie ) | 5
Player won against hugobaldur ChakaChan Der Schaufler (random ) | 4
Player won against hugobaldur Der Schaufler (random ) | 3
Player won against hugobaldur ChakaChan Lanzelot (France-Napoleon ) | 4
Player won against hugobaldur ROBOLD Lanzelot Marican (Carthago-Dido ) | 5
Player won against ROBOLD hugobaldur Lanzelot (France-Napoleon ) | 4
Player won against hugobaldur (France-Napoleon ) | 2
Player lost against TTopsecret (Ethiopie-Haile Selaissie ) | 6
Player won against hugobaldur Lanzelot ROBOLD (random ) | 4
Player lost against Fouché (Byzantin-Theodora ) | 7
Player lost against hugobaldur (Venice-Enrico Dandolo ) | 2
Player lost against hugobaldur (Indonesia-Gajah Mada ) | 2
Player won against hugobaldur (random ) | 2
Player lost against Fena (random ) | 7
Player won against hugobaldur (random ) | 2
Player won against hugobaldur (Indonesia-Gajah Mada ) | 2
Player lost against SirPrise (random ) | 7
Player lost against Dromina (Poland-Casimir III ) | 7
Player lost against winterschlaefer (Maya-Pacal ) | 6
Player lost against RoliDeRush Oddys (random ) | 8
Player lost against CivIVer (Poland-Casimir III ) | 5
Player won against MARKYMARK Fandazma 10fw hugobaldur RoliDeRush (Maya-Pacal ) | 6
Player lost against Mambokurt (random ) | 2
Player lost against theybface (France-Napoleon ) | 6
Player lost against Fena (random ) | 6
Player lost against Fouché (random ) | 6
Player lost against Dromina RoliDeRush (random ) | 8
Player lost against CivIVer (Russia-Catherine ) | 5
Player lost against Braaktar (Portugal-Maria I ) | 12
Player lost against SidMeier (Venice-Enrico Dandolo ) | 7
Player lost against Admiral G (random ) | 8

Match overview of player Thorgal

smile blink applause laugh kiss makenoise frown no annoy mad provoke bushwa <smiletext13> <smiletext14> <smiletext15> <smiletext16> <smiletext17> <smiletext18> <smiletext19> <smiletext20> <smiletext21> <smiletext22> <smiletext23> <smiletext24>
Profil Eintrag von

geiler Lurch wrote at 2012-10-02 08:07:23
Huhu, bitte mal ins Forum schauen..

Player's achievements

AOW3 Players | (PC)
Age of Wonders 3
Gender: Male
Time zone: UTC +1:00
g4l.eu language setting: Deutsch
Last match in Civilization V:2017-10-31
Last action at: 2024-05-18 10:16:51
Contact   @ 
Age & birthday date: 44 | 1980-01-01
Latest visitors: speckbretzel