Videos of PBEM: competitive play and previous duel tournament (Video)

cbower, marcuspers and Hiliadan recorded parts of their recent games from the 2015 Duel tournament (still ongoing) and competitive games on the Battlefield website, you can watch them on Youtube! Other players are strongly encouraged to record videos too!

Au Articel par Hiliadan

Some of the best PBEM players of AoW3 have recorded videos of recent matches to share them the community and provide insights on both tactical combat techniques and strategies on the world map.

Let's introduce the authors of the videos first!
cbower (profile) is the 2nd highest ranked player and has been so for a very long time (he faced twice gabthegab in the PBEM Duel tournament but lost each time, and never managed to beat him outside the tournament), he is also an old live MP player.
Hiliadan (myself, profile) is currently the 4th highest ranked player and though he has stayed in the top 10 for a long time, his ranking was less stable than cbower in recent months! As cbower, he is part of the A Song of Blight and Ice  or B&I team.
marcuspers (profile) joined the Battlefield more recently and climbed the ranking very quickly with his team mate Evgendil, they both have a crazy win ratio higher than 90% and are known to be very good Archdruid players (especially as Elves).

Ranking of the 3 authors on the Battlefield, based on the results of the matches they played

Three videos come from the (still ongoing) 2015 PBEM Duel Tournament, more precisely from the matches framed in green below.

  • Round 5 of the tournament - Hiliadan vs Eskild (who changed his name to Ezekiel later) - Necromancer Draconian mirror match

This match lasted 11 turns and was a wake-up call to convince people who still did not believe Necro was overpowered in the official version. It thus contributed to the update of the community PBEM balance mod and to the release of its version 1.1 (described in this article).
A playlist contains the matches' 7 episodes, each episode is about 3 to 22 minutes long and show 1 or 4 turns. All episodes are commented.

marcuspers did not participate in the Duel Tournament (but is participating in the PBEM 2 vs 2 Team Tournament, see below) so his videos are related to other games he played and reported on the Battlefield website.
Marcus is recording several of his games and commenting them while he plays. He seems to play his turns faster than cbower () so videos are about 10 to 30 minutes and each one display one turn. He played several team games with Evgedil and it surely brings another level of strategy to watch his videos and understand good and bad practice in team games!

  • 2v2 - Marcus (Dwarf Necromancer) & Evgendil (Frostling Rogue) vs Orlyzz (Draconian Necromancer) & DreadReapr (Human Warlord) (report of the game)

19 turns with a rush-like attack of Evgendil and Marcus, crushing DreadReapr before he could expand.