First match: 2009-07-29
Last match: 2022-09-15
Statistics for league Civilization V:
League active since (- until): 2010-10-27 - 2016-10-06
Matches: 44
Wins: 6 Losses: 21 Draws (no winner): 17
First match: 2010-10-27
Last match: 2016-10-06
Opponents defeated: 45
Losses against opponents: 67
Player won against geiler Lurch Thorgal ChakaChan (England-Elizabeth ) | 4
Player lost against ANGELDELSOL (random ) | 2
Player lost against Soranlar (random ) | 4
Player lost against Artaleon (random ) | 4
Player lost against Nutella67 (random ) | 4
Player lost against ObiwanKenNooby (random ) | 4
Player lost against ANTARION (Greece-Alexander the Great ) | 3
Player lost against Patrick_Ziegler (Germany-Bismarck ) | 3
Player lost against Patrick_Ziegler (Ottoman-Suleiman ) | 4
Player lost against Patrick_Ziegler Artaleon (random ) | 4
Player lost against Artaleon (random ) | 3
Player lost against MuffinMan (random ) | 3
Player lost against El Ssid (random ) | 4
Player lost against MuffinMan (Egypt-Ramesses II ) | 6
Player lost against MuffinMan (China-Wu Zeitein ) | 4
Player won against MuffinMan IcexxxWin (India-Gandhi ) | 3
Player won against Thorgal (random ) | 2
Player lost against Akecheta (India-Gandhi ) | 4
Player won against Walahan (Aztecs-Montezuma ) | 2
Player lost against Jagger1 (random ) | 4
Player lost against MuffinMan (Russia-Catherine ) | 4
Player lost against TTopsecret (random ) | 6
Player lost against MuffinMan (random ) | 8
Player lost against Thorgal (Songhai-Askia ) | 2
Player lost against viktorianer (England-Elizabeth ) | 6
Player lost against Thorgal (England-Elizabeth ) | 2
Player lost against geiler Lurch (Celts-Boudicca ) | 5
Player lost against viktorianer (Poland-Casimir III ) | 4
Player lost against BananaJoe (Mongolia-Genghis Khan ) | 4
Player lost against MuffinMan (Denmark-Harald Bluetooth ) | 6
Player lost against Thorgal (Spain-Isabella ) | 6
Player lost against viktorianer (Maya-Pacal ) | 3
Player lost against d9r (Korea-Sejong ) | 5
Player lost against GS_Hain (France-Napoleon ) | 2
Player lost against chrisdewolf (Spain-Isabella ) | 5
Player lost against Rinz (Egypt-RamessesII ) | 2
Player lost against Valigar (Babylon-Nebuchadnezzar II ) | 2
Match overview of player MARKYMARK
No achievements yet
Gender: | Male |
Nationality: | |
Time zone: | UTC +1:00 |
Steam-Name: | BF_Markymark1 |
Civforum-Name: | Markymark1 |
civplayers-Name: | no |
Gamertag: | BF[MARKYMARKY] |
PSN ID: | Markymark |
g4l.eu language setting: | Deutsch |
Last match in Civilization V: | 2016-10-06 |
Last action at: | 2025-02-04 11:17:57 |
Contact | @ |
Player's team: | Giant Death Robots |
BF_Markymark | |
mark.my-bandpage.com | |
Youtupe bitte fragen | |
teamspeak1 | |
Preferred communication channel: | Skype,please ask |
Homepage: | http://www.the-battlefield.com |
Games: | CIV5, AOW3, CIV6 |
Hobbies: | PC Games, Soccer, Scripting |
Hobbies: | Ask me, when you have questions about our page. You can contact me via PM |
Age & birthday date: | 50 | 1974-04-10 |
Name: | Mark Flegler |
Latest visitors: |
![]() |
Profile entry of Warlord Keldon
Warlord Keldon wrote at 2015-11-26 13:17:05
tournament #16
Profile entry of Warlord Keldon
Warlord Keldon wrote at 2015-11-09 20:13:30
hy Mark, from Wednesday to Sunday, I will be cruising for a poker tournament, I do not know if I will have internet access, then ask you to suspend the timer turn, otherwise I will play Monday.
Profile entry of $eeR
$eeR wrote at 2015-08-16 20:07:17
whats password to your game
Profile entry of bbqsauceomgwtf
bbqsauceomgwtf wrote at 2015-07-24 17:02:28
Would be interested in a game if you have time, cliffhangerlife is my Steam ID
Profil Eintrag von BLACKCAT
BLACKCAT wrote at 2014-11-02 20:23:18
läuft was ??