Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
121 marcuspers10673174 %(23 | 31)WWLWL238
122 novograd11203551 %(18 | 35)LLWLW1817
123 phirpo11764850 %(24 | 48)WWLWL2424
124 DreadReapr12708659 %(51 | 86)WLWWL5135
125 gabthegab11523491 %(31 | 34)WWWLW313
126 jabst7722100 %(2 | 2)WW20
127 redrum687722100 %(2 | 2)WW20
128 Yell0w7251100 %(1 | 1)W10
129 Antarion7251100 %(1 | 1)W10
130 Gashie7311100 %(1 | 1)W10
131 quetzal_tr7311100 %(1 | 1)W10
132 Loki447311100 %(1 | 1)W10
133 Pothead Pixie7502100 %(2 | 2)WW20
134 ehall207783100 %(3 | 3)WWW30
135 Evgendil7642100 %(2 | 2)WW20
136 Retromancer7642100 %(2 | 2)WW20
137 Voltoir7482100 %(2 | 2)WW20

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