Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
88 Jundland Banshee732333 %(1 | 3)WLL12
89 Jonny Thunder728333 %(1 | 3)LWL12
90 bbqsauceomgwtf808771 %(5 | 7)WWLWL52
105 batbl470020 %LL02
105 Counterbore70020 %LL02
105 Paraquatz70020 %LL02
105 BBB70020 %LL02
105 TheLegendaryBen70020 %LL02
105 Forkrul70020 %LL02
105 Archer0170020 %LL02
105 NobCob70020 %LL02
105 olschenstein70020 %LL02
105 bodziowolf70020 %LL02
105 fakir_Faler70020 %LL02
105 Bishmanrock70020 %LL02
105 hatifnat70020 %LL02
105 Rivandere70020 %LL02
105 hunterking55570020 %LL02
105 Rippjack70020 %LL02
105 THE RANGER70020 %LL02

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