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Overview PBEM Player Pool | PBEM | (Free slots)

Recommended turn order based on play times:

novograd 2:00-14:00 | ezysquire 4:00-6:00 | gabthegab 5:00-22:00 | Fistandantilus 8:00-4:00 | Warlord Keldon 7:00-23:00 | Sin Arcain 8:00-18:00 | Bracasse 8:00-18:00 | llldarkhorselll 9:00-13:00 | chiveicrook 10:00-23:00 | mauvebutterfly 10:00-14:00 | kernard 12:00-16:00 | Kwibus 12:00-0:00 | Jean_de_Metz 12:00-19:00 | rrrrookie 13:00-14:00 | Frozentape 12:00-23:00 | Skuns453Lirik902 13:00-17:00 | keika 16:00-19:00 | Saunatonttu 16:00-23:00 | Jonny Thunder 15:00-19:00 | ExNihil 16:00-20:00 | shoukim 18:00-23:00 | MARKYMARK 17:00-23:00 | Lykus 17:00-21:00 | Tarskon 17:00-22:00 | Badok 17:00-23:00 | personian 17:00-6:00 | sulatik 17:00-21:00 | Ezekiel 18:00-23:00 | EverydayJoe 17:00-21:00 | Hannibal2000 18:00-22:00 | Techno 18:00-22:00 | Moridin 18:00-22:00 | Zytozid 18:00-23:00 | THE RANGER 18:00-2:00 | AlXStormrage 18:00-22:00 | xlnt 18:00-22:00 | petracke 18:00-22:00 | belamoor 18:00-22:00 | Thorgal 18:00-22:00 | schlii 19:00-23:00 | Blueoceanbg 19:00-23:00 | Fanjo 19:00-23:00 | BLACKCAT 19:00-23:00 | Albaron 19:00-23:00 | Archer01 19:00-23:00 | StarFish 19:00-22:00 | Darthi 19:00-23:00 | Drenn 19:00-23:00 | rickyroo222 19:00-6:00 | Deckdisz 19:00-23:00 | EXECNOIR 19:00-23:00 | Zak0r 19:00-23:00 | phirpo 19:00-23:00 | Blechhower 19:00-23:00 | marcuspers 19:00-21:00 | Kiwipels 19:00-23:00 | Yari 19:00-23:00 | Akinos 19:00-23:00 | qugu 19:00-23:00 | SpiritSeeker 19:00-23:00 | jellolag 19:00-23:00 | Aristokrates 20:00-0:00 | Ariga 19:00-23:00 | Nihengwrn 19:00-23:00 | Blad_ua 19:00-23:00 | Kruel 20:00-2:00 | Vince777 20:00-0:00 | masterboja 20:00-0:00 | jawich 20:00-0:00 | Haxx 20:00-0:00 | Cthulhu2814 20:00-0:00 | Inbredchimera 20:00-0:00 | raphaell 20:00-23:00 | Sbiht 21:00-0:00 | natnat 20:00-23:00 | Jessic 20:00-0:00 | RedChameleon 20:00-0:00 | Larks 21:00-23:00 | ehall20 21:00-3:00 | Krec 21:00-8:00 | Gilafron 22:00-3:00 | Hiliadan 22:00-23:00 | cbower 23:00-4:00 | Starfleck 0:00-2:00 | Olop 0:00-6:00 | Henrysix 0:00-14:00 | JustaKing 1:00-5:00 | InHouseHeron 1:00-5:00 | Cat and Cat and Pat 1:00-5:00 | DrLight 1:00-5:00 | walterbarrett 1:00-5:00 | Demonic Spoon 2:00-6:00 | Fenfer 2:00-6:00 | cwolfy 2:00-6:00 | Shakey 2:00-6:00 | Elysian 3:00-6:00 | DrBigtime 3:00-7:00 | Sikeyboi 3:00-7:00 | AnarchCassius 4:00-8:00 | Loki44 5:00-8:00 | Rippjack 14:00-18:00 | Chrejo 2:00-6:00 | goatassin 9:00-8:00 | xoric713 20:00-0:00 | Cocos 19:00-23:00 | Aim 9:00-21:00

I would like to


Organisator: myl_supporter | Joined so far: 106 | unlimited

You like to play PBEM? You want to get informed when a new PBEM game or tournament start? Then join this pool: you will receive a weekly newsletter summarizing new games. You can also comment in this pool to find new trusted PBEM players and announce new games.

Published on Sat, 17 Aug 2019 15:10:42 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
Sin Arcain joined !!

Published on Wed, 14 Aug 2019 01:50:31 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
Piao quitted!

Published on Mon, 05 Aug 2019 19:46:12 +0200

Hi! There are 3 games open:
- 1vs1 game: novograd is looking for opponents for duels with the tournament settings.
- $end StormRage to the Aby$$ 8layer 4v4 Supreme Mod List: casual game hosted by $eeR with lots of mods
- 2 vs 2 Teams: a team game hosted by Skuns, missing 1 player.

== Misc ==
Planetfall is released tomorrow. For those of you who plan to play it, please join the Planetfall league with your AoW3 league's logins and start reporting your PBEM and live MP games there! <smiletext0> />There is a new user interface, still under test, please report any issues to Markymark.

Please vote in the ongoing polls:
What Racial Governance (RG) upgrade do you usually take when playing living Orcs?
What Racial Governance (RG) upgrade do you usually take when playing living Humans?

This will help the RG balance effort. v1.3 should have a big RG overhauld so it's very important to get the community's opinion to get the balance right.

Published on Sun, 04 Aug 2019 18:42:58 +0200

I'm searching for a competitive 1vs1 game.
As I see 1 game here progressing so slow, so that I think I can do several games via PBEM in same time.
If you are ok, I have enough time for live multiplay too.

I don't have DLC's so if you don't have we have to play without DLC's.
tournament setting is ok for me.

Published on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 05:19:13 +0200

Hi. We are looking for 4-th player again for this team match. Anybody is welcome <smiletext0>

Published on Mon, 29 Jul 2019 23:15:43 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
AnarchCassius joined !!

Published on Mon, 29 Jul 2019 10:16:30 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
novograd joined !!

Published on Sat, 27 Jul 2019 09:27:07 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
belamoor joined !!

Published on Thu, 18 Jul 2019 23:20:40 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
redrum68 joined !!

Published on Fri, 31 May 2019 16:33:28 +0200
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DreadReapr quitted!

Published on Sun, 12 May 2019 22:04:05 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
Deckdisz quitted!

Published on Sat, 11 May 2019 23:38:25 +0200
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Information PBEM Player Pool
Old-Germany joined !!

Published on Tue, 07 May 2019 12:31:25 +0200

Hi. We've started a new team session. By technical reasons we had to rehost it and, unfortunately, one of us couldn't continue to play. So we are looking for a replacement. There are 2 teams: me+new vs Dread+Phirpo. So if you're interested in it, welcome to join us. 

Published on Wed, 24 Apr 2019 22:23:41 +0200

5 games open:
- Duel keika vs #3: a duel vs keika with tournament settings
- Global Strategy game: a casual 8 player game hosted by AlXStormrage with about 20 mods
- 1vs1: a duel vs phirpo with a land map and some other tweaks to tournament settings
- Duel Fast: a duel vs Markymark with tournament settings (including Fast game speed, which should be used in next Duel Tournament)
- Coronado Beach Easter: not sure this one is really still open. A 4 player game hosted by $eeR with some mods

== Misc ==
The poll on the best mods of AoW3 has been launched, please vote: https://www.the-battlefield.c... />
== Videos ==
The epic Top 8 game has been recorded in videos!
Hiliadan (Dwarf Dreadnought) vs AlXStormrage (Frostling Dreadnought) vs Ezekiel/Eskild (Draconian Sorcerer) vs marcuspers (Dwarf Warlord) vs Tussel (Frostling Theocrat) vs Fistandantilus (Halfling Sorcerer) vs Jonny Thunder (Frostling Warlord) vs Jean de Metz (High Elf Necromancer)

Check out the first 57 turns on YouTube through this playlist. First video:

Published on Sat, 13 Apr 2019 18:07:45 +0200

Hi Guys,

I've created a new game with 21 different mod, which should be fun for those who like empire building and battling with big strategic armies <smiletext0>

hope to see you there!

Published on Sat, 30 Mar 2019 20:13:11 +0100
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Information PBEM Player Pool
jopbem joined !!

Published on Sat, 16 Mar 2019 23:44:45 +0100
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Information PBEM Player Pool
Sbiht joined !!

Published on Sun, 10 Mar 2019 12:46:10 +0100

4 games are open!
- 3vs3 warlords: hosted by phirpo, the idea is that only the Warlord class should be picked
- Team Game #2 (Auto Vs Ai): a 2vs2 game where all battles are fought on auto-combat (no manual fight vs independents)
- Team Mix Game: Markymark is hosting a normal 2vs2 where the idea would be to have two teams of 1 strong + 1 non-Veteran player
- First blood: keika is hosting a duel for his debut on the Battlefield, and is looking for players with 900 or less ranking points, to keep it fair

Everyone's encouraged to open even more games, especially duels, as there is strong demand for more. <smiletext0>

== Balance ==
v1.27 has been released on the main branch of the balance mod. Check out the article presenting it.

== Misc ==
Support your favourite mods by mentioning them in this preparation of a shortlist of the 20 best mods for AoW3:

Published on Sat, 09 Mar 2019 20:56:51 +0100
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Information PBEM Player Pool
keika joined !!

Published on Fri, 01 Mar 2019 02:28:56 +0100
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Information PBEM Player Pool
jellolag joined !!

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