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Overview PBEM Player Pool | PBEM | (Free slots)

Recommended turn order based on play times:

novograd 2:00-14:00 | ezysquire 4:00-6:00 | gabthegab 5:00-22:00 | Fistandantilus 8:00-4:00 | Warlord Keldon 7:00-23:00 | Sin Arcain 8:00-18:00 | Bracasse 8:00-18:00 | llldarkhorselll 9:00-13:00 | chiveicrook 10:00-23:00 | mauvebutterfly 10:00-14:00 | kernard 12:00-16:00 | Kwibus 12:00-0:00 | Jean_de_Metz 12:00-19:00 | rrrrookie 13:00-14:00 | Frozentape 12:00-23:00 | Skuns453Lirik902 13:00-17:00 | keika 16:00-19:00 | Saunatonttu 16:00-23:00 | Jonny Thunder 15:00-19:00 | ExNihil 16:00-20:00 | shoukim 18:00-23:00 | MARKYMARK 17:00-23:00 | Lykus 17:00-21:00 | Tarskon 17:00-22:00 | Badok 17:00-23:00 | personian 17:00-6:00 | sulatik 17:00-21:00 | Ezekiel 18:00-23:00 | EverydayJoe 17:00-21:00 | Hannibal2000 18:00-22:00 | Techno 18:00-22:00 | Moridin 18:00-22:00 | Zytozid 18:00-23:00 | THE RANGER 18:00-2:00 | AlXStormrage 18:00-22:00 | xlnt 18:00-22:00 | petracke 18:00-22:00 | belamoor 18:00-22:00 | Thorgal 18:00-22:00 | schlii 19:00-23:00 | Blueoceanbg 19:00-23:00 | Fanjo 19:00-23:00 | BLACKCAT 19:00-23:00 | Albaron 19:00-23:00 | Archer01 19:00-23:00 | StarFish 19:00-22:00 | Darthi 19:00-23:00 | Drenn 19:00-23:00 | rickyroo222 19:00-6:00 | Deckdisz 19:00-23:00 | EXECNOIR 19:00-23:00 | Zak0r 19:00-23:00 | phirpo 19:00-23:00 | Blechhower 19:00-23:00 | marcuspers 19:00-21:00 | Kiwipels 19:00-23:00 | Yari 19:00-23:00 | Akinos 19:00-23:00 | qugu 19:00-23:00 | SpiritSeeker 19:00-23:00 | jellolag 19:00-23:00 | Aristokrates 20:00-0:00 | Ariga 19:00-23:00 | Nihengwrn 19:00-23:00 | Blad_ua 19:00-23:00 | Kruel 20:00-2:00 | Vince777 20:00-0:00 | masterboja 20:00-0:00 | jawich 20:00-0:00 | Haxx 20:00-0:00 | Cthulhu2814 20:00-0:00 | Inbredchimera 20:00-0:00 | raphaell 20:00-23:00 | Sbiht 21:00-0:00 | natnat 20:00-23:00 | Jessic 20:00-0:00 | RedChameleon 20:00-0:00 | Larks 21:00-23:00 | ehall20 21:00-3:00 | Krec 21:00-8:00 | Gilafron 22:00-3:00 | Hiliadan 22:00-23:00 | cbower 23:00-4:00 | Starfleck 0:00-2:00 | Olop 0:00-6:00 | Henrysix 0:00-14:00 | JustaKing 1:00-5:00 | InHouseHeron 1:00-5:00 | Cat and Cat and Pat 1:00-5:00 | DrLight 1:00-5:00 | walterbarrett 1:00-5:00 | Demonic Spoon 2:00-6:00 | Fenfer 2:00-6:00 | cwolfy 2:00-6:00 | Shakey 2:00-6:00 | Elysian 3:00-6:00 | DrBigtime 3:00-7:00 | Sikeyboi 3:00-7:00 | AnarchCassius 4:00-8:00 | Loki44 5:00-8:00 | Rippjack 14:00-18:00 | Chrejo 2:00-6:00 | goatassin 9:00-8:00 | xoric713 20:00-0:00 | Cocos 19:00-23:00 | Aim 9:00-21:00

I would like to


Organisator: myl_supporter | Joined so far: 106 | unlimited

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Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

The 4v4 has filled now ,
 all are members here game is ready to launch ,
just laying final plans about team organization

should be a good match
Lightform is the 8th player but he has not joined game here on the site , could one of the Site admins please add him to the match so I can change its status to ONGOING

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

To our new players (and the older ones): there is currently a PBEM tournament ongoing. If you are interested, we might start another 8 players' session (which would in the end allow to merge everything into a big 32 players tournament). Please join here:

Games opened:
- a survival game with very little production (or sumoning): The Hunger Games 2 seats still opened out of 8
- St. Valentines Day Massacre 4v4 ; not sure if the 2 slots still open here are truly open though, SeeR may have let playes from outside The Battlefield join
- Beginner Game 2 slots still opened for a game for beginners who want to improve (a 3rd player has already joined but hasn't yet appeared on The Battlefield)

If you want to host regular games, please feel free to do so. I'm sure it woud fill up relatively quickly with all the new players.

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Information PBEM Player Pool
Jessic joined !!

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Information PBEM Player Pool
jopbem joined !!

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Welcome to all new players .
Like this is ask by i certain number of players for pbem may be we can make a mod without convert, charm, control,reanimate dead on enemy units and ghoul curse (be carreful at the hero who have charm at start...)
We can make too, a little post with link on certain mod and screen shoot for show how to use mod .

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Information PBEM Player Pool
EarL1893 joined !!

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

One game still open (but a strange one ): The Hunger Games
Also the German guys have one game open: FFA PBEM with random Teams not sure if there is still really room in it but I'm sure if you're interested and have a teammate, they'll create room for you

And I think AlXStormrage still welcome players who want 1 vs 1.

So you should find a match easily Kernard. And welcome here!

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Information PBEM Player Pool
kernard joined !!
Looking for game

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

To Eskild
I'd like to join your duel game, but I already have joined to this session - Dwarfs vs Goblins Sorry

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Unfortunately, now I haven't free PBEM-slots. But if I would have, I would have played Rocket's 4 FFA. And "the Hunger games" is not interesting for me - it's too easy to lose with heroes of level 2/6 even max. level 7

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Information PBEM Player Pool
Tussell joined !!

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

If I had more slots then I'd happily join

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

I created the game there to discuss its settings (and not spam everyone in the pool with the discussion):

I'm very surprised that RocketRandom's 4 players FFA (Rocket's battlefield FFA 4 pla) is still not full. Did we reach saturation and there is not even one player who wants to play an additional (normal) game? oO

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Necro control undead level 5, arch druid charm animal level 3...

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Information PBEM Player Pool
gabthegab joined !!

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Information PBEM Player Pool
gabthegab quitted!

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

At what levels come convert etc? Convert comes at lvl 7 I think.
Charm at lvl 5 I think. No idea about the undead.

It would be cool if those moved to lvl 10 for PBEM alone. PBEM needs a mod for charm/convert/ghould cursing etc. 
It comes down to how much luck you have with converting....

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Hiliadan if you want test a game with no ultra powerful hero level 15 is too mutch, level 2 is good with no iceman and heros of the same race for don't have the hero who have charm at start, like this you have very interresting and different game for pbem game. No charm no convert with hero no strong heros. for me 8 players is too mutch but why not

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

2 games still open:
- Dwarfs vs Goblins needs 2 more players
- Rocket's battlefield FFA 4 pla has one seat open

@Lykus: maybe you should precise if your game will count for ranking or not (I suggest not maybe?)

@all: I'd like to start a very different game, probably not for ranking, I don't know if people would be interested. A XL map with 8 players with no starting town, many roaming units, defender strong, few cities, few dwelling, few treasures (I expect that to reduce the money you get from clearing sites?), few structures (ressource, visit, treasure), hero level capped to 15 and only 2 heroes and no team. + no city founding, hard cosmic event. I'm testing it out in SP to see how it works. The idea would be to have an "adventure" game with little production while limiting ultra powerful heroes. I think we cannot play this before a fix for the Necro is released though.
Adding seals may be a nice idea.

Published on Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

Thanks everyone for the input. I have opened a game if somebody is interested.

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